Tuesday, November 23, 2021

There is no Gate keeper between you and your relationship with God... You can commune RIGHT with him. But who is God? ...Unconditional Love you say...
Okay, what does Unconditional Love look like? How do you know it is God within you and not your ego within you?

We were not always able to have this direct connection to our God, For when we choose to separate ourselves from him in the Garden we choose a life destined to death. Adam and Eve is the story of us all. For our curiosity of the knowledge of Good and Evil and the wanting to be like God is what had us fall from innocence. The Old Testament is after the “fall of man” before there was ever a perfect embodiment example of Gods power walking in perfection of the wholeness of the Unconditional Love of our Creator. This part of the Bible turns most people away from God especially when reading it with ego without our eyes open to see and ears open to hear. It’s important to know the impact of Sin in our Father’s eyes.
This is what the Old Testament teaches us. Think of how you place boundaries on your own life, those you allow into your inner circle because they respect who you are and the light you bring to this world by operating in the same high frequencies of Christ’s love in their own life. Do you allow toxic, abusive, low vibin beings into your life? God too has boundaries.
For he is Just, Righteous and True.
There is no shadow allowed in Gods kingdom.
God LOVES the sinner... NOT the sin... God HATES sin and it is the only thing he asks us to hate as well. He HATES being separated from us for he loves us so much he wants us to CHOOSE to love him too and with this choice comes so much deception and lies from the Creator of Hate in the Master of Lies who has many names who has come to steal, kill, and destroy all the eternal love of God through his jealousy and lust for Our Creators authority yesterday, today, and forever.

In this time before Christ, God’s wrath and rage towards evil that had enslaved all of his creation was at an all time high, he watched his perfect creation turn wicked before his eyes... he watched us turn away from his love and into the arms of the devil who destroys us... Imagine the betrayal you would feel having someone you love with every ounce of you not only break your heart but know that their choice would lead them to a life forever disconnected from the wholeness of love? Knowing not a soul in all creation had the capacity to fulfill the sacred boundaries of true love without falling for Lucifers cunning ways...
For us we do not even have ourself.... for we have betrayed ourselves by falling short of the true power and glory of our Creator in us often...
Don’t lie to yourself boo
We can call ourselves Goddesss and Gods all we want but have you walked on water? Have you healed millions of people miraculously? Have you rose people from the grave? Have you rose yourself from the grave?
Let’s just get real real here ok
You unable to confront the fact that your shadows and areas of your life in which are not Light are called SINS.
This is just what it is Sin is simply separation from our Creator.
Because of this, there was not a soul in the world able to be in the presence and Glory of our Source with the darkness clouding our hearts... Not a soul that could stand before God blameless, a complete life in total perfection and connection to our Almighty God bearing the sins of the world, showing the ultimate act of Unconditional Love by sacrificing themself so that creation may be cleansed in the pureness of complete wholeness of the perfection of God despite all that was formed against them...
There was no one, but unlike us...
God can trust in himself.
For his love is everlasting...
It is forever whole....
For he saw our sins and loved us so much he came fully in his wholeness and walked in Flesh as his Creation. For those with eyes to see he made sure to speak to the prophets of old to prophecy his coming. He told the wise ones to look at the stars for he knew the wise would look at the stars and hear the Father in heaven through them. After fulfilling every single prophecy of his coming he fullfilled every single prophecy of his life... completely sinless, performing miracles and healing anyone who came into his path, standing for Justice, Truth, releasing the demons and darkness out of people, and after walking through hell and back literally taking the keys through death and resurrecting himself from the grave then gifting us this same spirit to be able to live in the fullness of him regardless of our shadows, regardless of our imperfections, regardless of what we do or do not know of the Matrix of this fallen world, all he asks is to fix our hearts on him. That’s it. That simple. And we are covered in the Mercy and Grace that is he. He renews our hearts and minds making us Holy and Pure. For he placed his spirit within each of us but this spirit can only be innerstood if you truly innerstand who Jesus Christ is. The sacrifice that had to be made in order for us to have a direct connection to our Source God, and Jesus IS our Source God. Why we are called NOT to lean on our own innerstanding in a world that continues to deceive and distract us from the truth of our eternal life found through holding FAITH in Jesus while EMBODYING his SAME spirit within to walk in the power, wholeness and fullnesss of our Creator.

Why we can call on his name at any given moment and he will release you from ANY darkness or entity that has come to deceive you. You can’t call upon my name, Buddha’s name, Rumi’s name, your own name... Why is that? Because all these names have fallen short of Gods Glory. Jesus never did.
“I and the Father are one.” ✨John 10:30✨
For calling Upon JESUS is calling upon our Creator. For HE is the direct connection to our Source God where as I and any other prophet, spiritual leader, guru, teacher, astrology, healing method, crystals, anything else of Creation are the tools in which God will move through should you fix your eyes on HIM, for this is Lucifers world.
When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights Satan took him to the top of a mountain side, had him see all of the lands and said to him, this shall be all yours if you bend your knee to me.
You can not gift someone something in which is not yours to give.
Do not underestimate the enemy.
So many of you do.
It’s important to know that ALL of Gaia from the rocks to the trees to the birds to the stars to the Universe, Lucifer moves through just as God does but he does so in cunning ways that sound so pleasing and beautiful to the ears, that glorify your ego in the name of “the divine” or “the universe”
How beautiful this sounds... how beautiful it sounds that all you need is you... you are the answer... you are God... you are the ultimate source of your power.
When I see these posts with the eyes of truth I know that it is God who CREATED the Universe, the moment you belittle the Almighty God into a box of what he has Created you have separated yourself from the trueness of who he is. I know that it is Christ IN me that I need, Christ IN me that is God, Christ IN me that is the Ultimate source of my Power. And this power inside of me wouldn’t be there if it weren’t for the Hueman embodiment of this love FIRST through Jesus Christ. For he is not the Keeper of the Gate into the Kingdom of Heaven but the King of all Kings on the Throne seated on the Right hand side of our Father God who says to us
“if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” ✨ Romans 10:9✨
We are saved because we see God for who he is. We respect, honor and serve his Light, not belittle what he has done but humble ourselves bellow him and we are covered white as snow in the unconditional love that is he. He bore it all for us already. For it is already finished. And when we uplift and glorify him he fills us more so with the love, power and miracles that move through every single one of our weaknesses, short comings, and all that in which has come to enslave you he fills with the light and wholeness of his love and through the words of YOUR testimony of his love in your life you too are able to set hearts free from the bondage and chains of this world and into the loving arms of our Father in heaven found through the Holy Spirit inside gifted to us through Jesus Christ.

“Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God,     the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary;     his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint,     and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary,     and young men shall fall exhausted;   but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;     they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary;     they shall walk and not faint.” ✨Isaiah 40:28-31✨

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Love in so many ways is blind. When you are in love with someone the love that is in you becomes so powerfully ignited that you are covered in rose colored lenses where they can do no harm, all you want to do is give every part of yourself to this person and make it known to them how special they are to you in your heart. The thing about love is it comes with sooooo many emotions and feelings with it that it is so easy to get lost in what love actually means. Who love actually is. Do you know who love is? What love actually looks like? In its fullness? For it is not a feeling or emotion.

“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” “Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”
✨1 Corinthians 13:4-7✨

We all fall short of what it means to hold Unconditional Love in its fullest form. Aside from who love is.. which is Jesus Christ. The living embodiment representation of the fullness of the love of our father in Heaven.
In knowing him he is able to help you take the rose colored lenses off and see love for what, and who it is. For this love does not rejoice in wrongdoing but rejoices with truth. And truth hurts... To unconditionally love someone does not mean to sacrifice TRUTH in order to have them in your life. To sacrifice unconditionally loving yourself so that you may unconditionally love someone else.... it doesn’t work that way... You can unconditionally love someone by placing sacred boundaries in the knowing of your worth and not settling for anything less. You can unconditionally love someone and do it from afar. You can unconditionally love someone even when they are unable to unconditionally love you. Love is not contingent on whether we like, respect, have sexual, physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual attraction to them. We can unconditionally love someone for the lesson and teacher they are in our life and you can unconditionally love them as you let them go because you will not tolerate anything less than the love that you have to offer this world that you have found through Christ.
Call back all your energy home to you, as you become whole in the unconditional love of Jesus that lies inside of you first who never once ceases to carry this unconditional love towards you, who will never let you down, who will always bring you back to the stillness and the knowing of who Unconditional Love truly is and you will be able to carry this Love while not tolerating the lies, deception and ignorance inside the hearts of so many, you will be able to carry this love through any storm, any heartbreak, any mountain, any trial, any low you can think of for Christ’s love is made STRONGER through your weaknesses and his love is always there for you and will guide you from the shadows of the valley of darkness into the magnificence and wholeness and pure light of our Creator always 🙏🏼✨❤️

“We love because he first loved us.”
✨1 John 4:19✨