Wednesday, March 30, 2022

 We left Nassau today and are headed to the Exumas. Right now I am in the middle of the ocean on my night shift pondering and thinking about so many things. What I always do on my shifts as the ocean always brings out so much inside of me. This Ocean that I have sailed upon all the way up the east coast and back down after talking about being in the Bahamas for so long, this same ocean I am gliding upon under the moonlight now as tomorrow’s rising I will be waking up in the part of the Bahamas that we have been daydreaming about for so long... this Ocean with all its storms and waves, moments of bliss and moments of pure adrenaline, moments of patience and moments of strength, so many lessons and growth with each place this ocean has lead us to... 

This Ocean... 

Is my home ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ✨

How freeing the waves are right now as they sparkle in the moonlight dancing their wisdom into my soul. Breathing life into my lungs after being surrounded by the island Nazis. That’s what I call them. First place we walk into when arriving to Nassau was the Poop deck.

Name couldn’t be more fitting as everything about this place was shit๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป‍♀️๐Ÿ’ฉ

First there was all the mask signs and 6 feet apart reminders up the stairs to the door... whatever I’m used to it at this point... but the moment I open the door inside I see the bar covered with signs wrapped all the way around the bar saying “Vaccinated Only” 


Literally my whole body tensed up and all I could hear in my head yelling over and over was “New world order, new world order!” 


We turned around and left right away.

Fuck the poop deck.

I don’t invest in shit ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป‍♀️๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ’ฏ

Look if you are reading this and you choose to get the vaccine with your free will I respect your CHOICE to do so.

But I’m not going to pay my money, and time to anyone or any business who feels they are entitled to segregate and divide people based off of their medical decisions that are being coerced and punished upon those who refuse to participate in this world wide science experiment. 

Here I am in the fucking Bahamas where you are supposed to come let lose, soak up the sun and island air with good vibes yet here I am watching everyone wear masks on the beach, getting checked by the mask and sanitizer police at every business and feeling heavy and oppressed from the energy all the islanders were putting off. 

Next day we go to another area and we see where a whole bunch of fisherman probably 50 or more of them were selling conch and other fish, the excitement to see what they had quickly flipped to thoughts of get me the hell out of here when every single one of those fishermen kept cat calling me, saying nasty things, offering my dad money to buy me as their wife... no I’m not kidding... 

I started to have a mini panic attack inside as an Empath having all that attention on me feeling suffocated and unable to escape the sexual assaults coming at me from every direction.

Like what the fuck men.

“Oh that is just their culture that’s their way of complimenting you...”


See this is the problem.

We have normalized and justified this behavior in men. 

I don’t give a shit what culture you grew up in.

If us women do not demand respect and call out abuse for what it is...

Because that is what it is when you sexually assault a woman with your words... 

That is what it is when you itemize a woman as something you can purchase from her daddy.

That is what it is when your cat calls make a woman sick to her stomach in fear of what actions may follow if she doesn’t get away.

Literally I was disgusted making my way through a crowd of men licking their lips and whistling at me like I was a piece of meat. Hearing the disgusting things they wanted to do to me as they all discussed it loudly together as I was walking away. Just wow. 

I sat swirling with so many thoughts on this when I got back to the boat.

I sit swirling with thoughts about it now as I am surrounded by my ocean pondering my time spent with the island Nazis and Conch Perverts ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป‍♀️

With every thought of realization to how fucked up this world can be is also the thoughts of remembrance to why I live the life I live, why I make the choices I choose, why I surround myself with the people I do. Every thought of disgust and annoyance with the programmed men of this world is also thoughts of gratitude and love for the men out there in my life and ones I have not yet or will ever meet being a living embodiment of Christ inside of them proving that men of God’s true nature are out there and stronger than ever. Every thought of anger for being sexually assaulted and surrounded by brainwashed zombies is thoughts of passion and fire to speak up for what is righteous and use my voice to bring awareness to the darkness of this world where I can shine my big ass bright lampstand and light it UP for truth and Christ’s love so that others who battle the same darkness know that they are not alone. 

We are in this together.

And you too have a big ass light to light up whatever darkness you need to brighten in the light of Gods love.

These low vibrational thoughts and experiences are not of God but God moves through them all.

In our weakness he is made stronger.

This is why it doesn’t matter where the winds blow me or what storms come my way on the sea... He forever moves through it all to bring me back home to love. Back home to peace. Back home to my ocean.

Forever flowing and crashing to the rhythm of Thy Will.

To the rhythm of my heart ❤️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ✨๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿงœ๐Ÿป‍♀️

Sunday, March 27, 2022

This is the hardest post I have ever written 

a post I thought I would never have to write.

Yet here I am writing it.

About to finally share my personal shadows that I have been battling.

That many of you have been assuming.

I know there is power in our testimonies but our testimonies first come from experience, first come from heart break and pain, first come from working through inner child wounds and really difficult conversations, and doing all this in the silence behind the scenes of what the world sees of all the blessings and beauty God has been able to move in my life in spite of it all because of my faithfulness to Christ regardless of the darkness I am facing. 

Truth is this is my life. 

I dont owe anyone an explanation for my decisions or what I am personally going through and neither do you. With that being said there is power in vulnerability and sharing the darkness we are personally facing when we do so in Divine timing.

Divine timing is now for me.

With all this being said it’s time to come out and be transparent about the fact that my husband and I have decided it is best to go our separate ways. He is now back in Morocco with his family and has been for a while.

This has been a long road to this decision. Hardest trials I have faced in my life coming to the realization that Love alone isn’t enough. And love alone isn’t unconditional love. For unconditional love includes every fruit of the spirit and if all are not in alignment then love alone will never sustain itself. For those who have been following my journey a long time you watched as we fell in love over social media and traveled the world to meet each other. Our love story is truly magical and the memories and love we shared together have shaped me into the wombman I am today I don’t regret our story or the journey we have gone through for it is also our trials that have shaped and molded me into the wombman I am today. 

Through this entire journey I was only brought back to the love of Jesus Christ who wrapped me in his embrace when I was on my knees weeping in child’s pose. How beautiful he meets me so many times in child’s pose, so many revelations of inner child wounds are meet through vulnerability. Meeting Christ in my brokenness... in my shame... in my guilt... in my failure... Trying to make something work for so long because of the fairytale it was till happily ever after. Christ took me in my brokenness and gave me purpose. The amount of joy I felt through my sorrows, peace I felt through my pain, strength I felt through my weakness my whole life every broken moment it has always been and will always be Jesus Christ and it is he who is the fairytale love in which we are all seeking and he radiates soul deeply within, awakens a fire and a knowing that is just unexplainable and the more and more I continued to seek out his spirit inside of me the clearer and clearer it became that my husband and I were on 2 different paths.

 I saw a quote the other day from someone anonymous and it hit home for me and it is the quote I shared here. It said don’t fall in love with someone’s flowers. Fall in love with their roots. 

The flowers are the hobbies, personality, physical and sexual attraction, places you travel, things you have, food you like....

Roots are the morals, spiritual practices, inner child wounds, how they process emotions, shadows they need to confront, battles they have and continue to face and demons that they are battling because the demons in our partners become our demons to battle as well. We all have our darkness we face. And I’m calling darkness what it is not every entity serving Lucifer is a demon but we ALL have demons that have been sent to steal kill and destroy Gods light inside of us. It’s important you deeply know the darkness of your partner but more importantly you should know it by the light they shine on it not the light you shine on it. 


I like that ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Sometimes I say something and I am like .. ooo you go glen coco ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป‍♀️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ 

I like writing in this space because I can just flow I dont have to worry about how many words I can have but I can just get out my thoughts. I dont even care who is reading this because this space is mine and it is really empowering to speak my full truth. Writing this now is empowering. Getting out what has been inside alchemizing, and processing for so long and being free to voice what has been burning me inside. I have nothing but love in my heart for Zak and he has nothing but love in his heart for me. I will not be using this post to bash or blame him for anything I want nothing but the best for him and he wants nothing but the best for me. I find it sad that this truth makes people think we should make our marriage work, that you have to be to the point of absolute hatred towards each other before it’s justified. Isn’t being unhappy in the depths of your spirit enough? Isn’t knowing that the relationship you are in isn’t serving your highest truth in your life NOW enough? because now is all we have. I am not going to give my now to anything that is not serving my spirit on this journey. As I step into this new chapter of truly finding myself through Jesus Christ and exploring the world with my family on my boat, after spending over a year and a half alchemizing all these really dark emotions, feelings and energies that come with the decision to do what is hard for what my spirit knows is right has strengthened me in ways that I can not even begin to express. I found myself in the depths of darkness and what I found was Christ. Not Christ the Hueman I have known him my whole life. I am talking about his spirit inside. I am talking about the energy of all life binding everything and everyone together. I found the Creator of the heavens and the earth living and breathing inside of me in my shame, in my brokenness, in my darkness. There he was.


His power has sought me through the moments where I couldn’t anymore.

The spiritual community loves to say that “you are all you need” but what about the times when you fail? When you are exhausted? When anxiety cripples you as you shake uncontrollably? When you are at your wits end and you just can’t anymore... you hit your bottom... When you proved to yourself that you are not all you need? how humbling it is to awaken to the fact that alone... I’ll never be all I need, for alone I will hit bottom again. 

Truth is we are not all we need if we were then we wouldn’t be seeking for anything at all. 

But we are all seeking.

We seek because we know we are apart of something greater.

We seek because we eventually let ourselves down or will be let down and deep down we know we are connected to a Source that never does.

For it is not my power alone but that of Christ’s power inside of me.

I am not all I need Christ is all I need but Christ isn’t found seeking outwardly anywhere. For he has placed his kingdom within us all. 

What blows my mind so much about the Unconditional Love of our God is how in his perfection he meets us in our imperfections.

That right there is the exact opposite of every religion.

To use our weakness for his strength.

To take what is broken and make it new

To take what is sick and heal it whole

For there is no sin or darkness too deep for the love of Christ to light up in his glory and to experience this love for yourself all you have to do is ask ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ❤️✨ 

So here I am in child’s pose feeling the weight of the world, not knowing what the future holds, not knowing how I was going to share with the world the ending of my fairytale story and there Christ was holding me. Bringing me back to the present moment.

My breath.

Through each inhale and exhale breathing with me.

So much Rememberance.

What is for me will always find me.

We can only love to the capacity in which we can love ourselves.

The capacity to Love ourselves is found in knowing what Unconditional Love is.

To Know Unconditional Love is to Know Jesus Christ.

Most people talk about Jesus but don’t actually know him. I can tell the ones who do by their fruits.

Truth is my marriage wasn’t producing fruit. It wasn’t producing fruit because Christ may have been the center of my life but it wasn’t the center of our relationship. Reading the scriptures of talking about being equally yoked is something that hits really differently now. Brings me back to that saying fall in love with someone’s roots not their flowers. 

Once upon a time I fell in love with the flowers and neglected the roots and because of that I went through a season of trials and death. But what you are witnessing now is my rebirth. What you are seeing now is a Phoenix rising from the ashes unafraid and unashamed of the journey she has walked to step into the fire that is she today. 

For every ending comes a new beginning.

And this is mine.


Friday, December 10, 2021

The majority of Jesus teachings are parables. Stories. I was pondering this thought as I began to start thinking of all the stories society tells us. Whether it be the stories from the “news” that tell stories of fear, sickness, and what is “in style” or the movies and tv shows that seduce the masses into the journeys of the characters, feeling the joy, pain, fear, love, lust, excitement, anticipation, sadness, and I can go on into the emotions and feelings that arise when we are encompassed in a story being told. How through listening to these stories we start shaping our thoughts and beliefs around the ones that speak to our own light and darkness within. 

Living in a fallen world operating in the Anti Christ spirit the majority of the stories being told are to separate us from the Stories Christ tells us as they feed our darkness. Why anxiety, depression, fear, and dis-ease are at an all time high. 

Let me tell you 3 stories about Sally to show you what I mean. 

1️⃣Sally is beautiful and loves kittens. 

2️⃣ Sally is a bully and likes to pick on those smaller than her

3️⃣ Sally is a hairdresser and works hard

Now tell me... Which story about Sally are you going to remember most? 

This is a very small example of how stories shape our thoughts and opinions on the people around us. So many people will hear these stories about Sally and create their own beliefs around who they believe she is. And most are going to focus on her darkness and use these stories about her to fuel their own darkness within. Whether they were bullied themselves so they are fueling their sadness, hatred and resentment or they themselves are a bully using this story to fuel their pride and self righteousness. 

The world is telling us stories every single day. Literally shaping our realities and the thoughts we choose to focus on fueling our shadows inside keeping us in separation from the stories God tells us. Creating belief systems rooted in our childhood wounds and trauma, rooted in lies and deception to keep you from seeing who you truly are. Who we all are. 

For we all are one body, no separation but YOUniquely crafted to glorify our Creator through faith and covered in the grace of Jesus Christ.

✨ So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.✨ Romans 12:5

As one body of Christ this is truth regardless of what religion or belief systems that the Anti Christ has put in place to separate us from faith. 

So where does this faith come from you ask?

✨ So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.✨ Romans 10:17

Faith comes from the STORIES that have been told and are continually being told through the words of our TESTIMONY in the light of his love. The stories of MIRACLES and HEALING that take place in his name. The personal revelations in my own life that have set me free from the bondages of the stories this world has told me and into the wholeness of our Creator who loves us so much he sent Jesus Christ to cover our darkness in the light of his love.

Through Jesus name I personally was healed from Celiac a dis-ease that has no cure, this is my testimony.

Through Jesus name I laid my hands on and released demons from an atheist friend who was then filled with faith and now serves the Lord with all her heart, this is her testimony.

Through Jesus name the man who prayed for my healing was first healed from Leukemia after going into a coma and having visions of angels pouring oil over his body and told by God that he was called to be a healer for Christ before miraculously waking up as though he had never had cancer, this is his testimony.

Through Jesus name my ex boyfriend’s brother who was born without a stomach grew one, this is his testimony.

Through Jesus name I watched a woman’s leg that was shorter than the other in grow before my eyes, this is her testimony.

I can go on and on of my own personal testimonies with Jesus Christ as well as the testimonies of those who I have witnessed or who have shared their stories with me on who Jesus is in their own lives and how each of these testimonies have set my heart free from the lies and deception of this world and into the knowing of the Unconditional Love of our Father in heaven. It is these stories that shape my heart and renew my mind towards God’s stories for me and not the stories of this world that need my energy in order to thrive.

It is the words of our testimony that set hearts free for it destroys the illusion that God is a religion and into the knowing that he is a personal relationship. He doesn’t love you because of what you do but for what he has already done. For there is absolutely NOTHING that can separate you from the love of God should you choose to hold Faith in the stories God has told you about who he is. 

Never underestimate the power of his love in your life and the power of sharing the stories of how his love has impacted you with those around you.

Yes in a fallen world seeking to destroy all that is of God you will get hate, arrogance, and those who belittle and condemn you. But you also will set the hearts free of those in need of a new story to tell themselves on who God is and how his love endures forever. Your testimony with Jesus Christ can move mountains. As you continue to walk in the light of his love and hold faith in who he is he will continue to add fuel to your testimony, more and more stories of his glory will fill your heart and the hearts of all those around you as you set the world free from the bondages of evil and into the truth of eternal life that can only be found through Christ Jesus, Yahweh, Yeshua, King of all Kings, and Lord of all Lords๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ✨❤️

And this is the testimony, that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 1 John 5:11

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Fear is a very controversial topic.
To fear or not to fear that is the question.
I feel my perspectives on fear can help bridge the gaps between Religious programming as well as New age programming.
Religious programming is rooted in fear where as New Age programming fear is non existent.

Yes, Fear in Love IS non existent.

“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. ✨1 John 4:18✨

But we are not living in a world of Love.
We are from Love living in a world of Hate.
A fallen world owned and ruled by the Master of Darkness to keep us in separation from Love. This is important to innerstand for it is this truth that helps you innerstand fear on a deeper level “for fear has to do with punishment” to fear this world and the master of lies means to fear Satan’s punishment over you... but what about Gods punishment? If we are to fear anything... shouldn’t it be God?

For it says in the Bible 365 times “Do not be afraid”

This is a reminder everyday from God to not hold fear in our hearts but on the flip side God also tells us to fear HIM ๐Ÿค”

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!” ✨Psalm 111:10✨

“The fear of the Lord leads to life, and whoever has it rests satisfied; he will not be visited by harm.” ✨Proverbs 19:23✨

It is the verses in the Bible that tell us to fear God that Religion has rooted itself in taking these verses and their true meaning completely out of context, keeping their congregation in the spirit of fear never stepping fully into the power of God inside of them.

I heard a sermon once that really rocked me and gave me such a deep innerstanding on Fear. He talked about how Fear and Faith are one in the same. How you can’t have one without the other. For they are BOTH the belief in that in which you cannot see. For where you Fear, you also place your Faith. THIS is why God asks us not to fear the world but to fear HIM.

“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” ✨Matthew 10:28✨

“The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate.” ✨Proverbs 8:13✨

God HATES hate. He hates it because it is not of him and it destroys everything that is of him. He loves us so much and it is this hate that separates us from being able to have a relationship with him. Gods wrath and fiery are only here because their is an enemy that has been formed against all that is true and of love. In Gods kingdom all of what is not of God are non existent for there is no separation or a need for faith because there is no fear and what is unseen is known and we are covered in the wholeness of our Sources love. So many truths many talk about are only truths if we are talking about Gods Kingdom but we are not in Gods Kingdom. There is fear it is not non existent and if you do not fear God who transforms your fears into faith then you will place your fears somewhere else.

“The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, that one may turn away from the snares of death. ✨Proverbs 14:27✨

To Fear the Lord is to hold FAITH in who he is... that it is HE who has the ability to bring about death and destruction and is the ULTIMATE truth of all.... in this fear towards him he brings us
ALL in which bring us back to the wholeness and love of who our God is when it comes to any fear of this Matrix we are in that fear becomes non existent for all my fear is placed in the Lord and he doesn’t give me a spirit of fear but one of POWER and a SOUND MIND. (✨2 Timothy 1:7✨)

For where there is Fear God has given us Faith. This is what those in Religious programming are not telling you. Because God asks us to Fear him they root Gods entire word in this Truth without the full innerstanding of what God means when he asks us to Fear him. Then you have those in the NA telling you not to Fear God and that Fear doesn’t exist... But without Fear there is no need for Faith... There is no need for Justice, Righteousness or truth... In God’s Kingdom this is true we do not need these things because all is Love but as I said in the beginning... We are not in Gods Kingdom. And God has WRATH and ANGER towards all that has taken his Creation and separated it from him and if you do not Fear Gods wrath then you do not know our God. If you do not Fear his anger towards sin, then sin isn’t a big deal for you to partake in. Innerstand Fear is a powerful tool for evil when you do not place it in God. Fear is there it is not non existent in this realm we ALL have it, it’s not something you can meditate away, pretend is not there, or ascend above it... you can only alchemize it to FAITH by Fearing the LORD and trusting in his word that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Knowing this fear isn’t of God but meant for God alone.

“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them.” ✨Psalm 34:7✨

For he DELIVERS us from our fears BECAUSE we place our fears in HIM.

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” ✨Isaiah 41:10✨

Fear always reminds me where in my life God is asking me to place faith in. God is rooted in Love he doesn’t ask us to fear him so that he may fill us with more fear but so he can transform it to faith. So he can give you power over the fears of this world with power and a sound mind knowing that the ONLY thing you fear is FOR you, not against you and if our God is for us.. who can stand against us?

I hope these perspectives of fear help you get a better innerstanding why God asks us to fear him outside of the religious programming that has taken his word completely out of context and outside of the New age deception of a God that is submissive who doesn’t have wrath and anger towards the darkness in which we have come to destroy in Jesus name.

“The friendship of the Lord is for those who fear him, and he makes known to them his covenant.” ✨Psalm 25:14✨

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

There is no Gate keeper between you and your relationship with God... You can commune RIGHT with him. But who is God? ...Unconditional Love you say...
Okay, what does Unconditional Love look like? How do you know it is God within you and not your ego within you?

We were not always able to have this direct connection to our God, For when we choose to separate ourselves from him in the Garden we choose a life destined to death. Adam and Eve is the story of us all. For our curiosity of the knowledge of Good and Evil and the wanting to be like God is what had us fall from innocence. The Old Testament is after the “fall of man” before there was ever a perfect embodiment example of Gods power walking in perfection of the wholeness of the Unconditional Love of our Creator. This part of the Bible turns most people away from God especially when reading it with ego without our eyes open to see and ears open to hear. It’s important to know the impact of Sin in our Father’s eyes.
This is what the Old Testament teaches us. Think of how you place boundaries on your own life, those you allow into your inner circle because they respect who you are and the light you bring to this world by operating in the same high frequencies of Christ’s love in their own life. Do you allow toxic, abusive, low vibin beings into your life? God too has boundaries.
For he is Just, Righteous and True.
There is no shadow allowed in Gods kingdom.
God LOVES the sinner... NOT the sin... God HATES sin and it is the only thing he asks us to hate as well. He HATES being separated from us for he loves us so much he wants us to CHOOSE to love him too and with this choice comes so much deception and lies from the Creator of Hate in the Master of Lies who has many names who has come to steal, kill, and destroy all the eternal love of God through his jealousy and lust for Our Creators authority yesterday, today, and forever.

In this time before Christ, God’s wrath and rage towards evil that had enslaved all of his creation was at an all time high, he watched his perfect creation turn wicked before his eyes... he watched us turn away from his love and into the arms of the devil who destroys us... Imagine the betrayal you would feel having someone you love with every ounce of you not only break your heart but know that their choice would lead them to a life forever disconnected from the wholeness of love? Knowing not a soul in all creation had the capacity to fulfill the sacred boundaries of true love without falling for Lucifers cunning ways...
For us we do not even have ourself.... for we have betrayed ourselves by falling short of the true power and glory of our Creator in us often...
Don’t lie to yourself boo
We can call ourselves Goddesss and Gods all we want but have you walked on water? Have you healed millions of people miraculously? Have you rose people from the grave? Have you rose yourself from the grave?
Let’s just get real real here ok
You unable to confront the fact that your shadows and areas of your life in which are not Light are called SINS.
This is just what it is Sin is simply separation from our Creator.
Because of this, there was not a soul in the world able to be in the presence and Glory of our Source with the darkness clouding our hearts... Not a soul that could stand before God blameless, a complete life in total perfection and connection to our Almighty God bearing the sins of the world, showing the ultimate act of Unconditional Love by sacrificing themself so that creation may be cleansed in the pureness of complete wholeness of the perfection of God despite all that was formed against them...
There was no one, but unlike us...
God can trust in himself.
For his love is everlasting...
It is forever whole....
For he saw our sins and loved us so much he came fully in his wholeness and walked in Flesh as his Creation. For those with eyes to see he made sure to speak to the prophets of old to prophecy his coming. He told the wise ones to look at the stars for he knew the wise would look at the stars and hear the Father in heaven through them. After fulfilling every single prophecy of his coming he fullfilled every single prophecy of his life... completely sinless, performing miracles and healing anyone who came into his path, standing for Justice, Truth, releasing the demons and darkness out of people, and after walking through hell and back literally taking the keys through death and resurrecting himself from the grave then gifting us this same spirit to be able to live in the fullness of him regardless of our shadows, regardless of our imperfections, regardless of what we do or do not know of the Matrix of this fallen world, all he asks is to fix our hearts on him. That’s it. That simple. And we are covered in the Mercy and Grace that is he. He renews our hearts and minds making us Holy and Pure. For he placed his spirit within each of us but this spirit can only be innerstood if you truly innerstand who Jesus Christ is. The sacrifice that had to be made in order for us to have a direct connection to our Source God, and Jesus IS our Source God. Why we are called NOT to lean on our own innerstanding in a world that continues to deceive and distract us from the truth of our eternal life found through holding FAITH in Jesus while EMBODYING his SAME spirit within to walk in the power, wholeness and fullnesss of our Creator.

Why we can call on his name at any given moment and he will release you from ANY darkness or entity that has come to deceive you. You can’t call upon my name, Buddha’s name, Rumi’s name, your own name... Why is that? Because all these names have fallen short of Gods Glory. Jesus never did.
“I and the Father are one.” ✨John 10:30✨
For calling Upon JESUS is calling upon our Creator. For HE is the direct connection to our Source God where as I and any other prophet, spiritual leader, guru, teacher, astrology, healing method, crystals, anything else of Creation are the tools in which God will move through should you fix your eyes on HIM, for this is Lucifers world.
When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights Satan took him to the top of a mountain side, had him see all of the lands and said to him, this shall be all yours if you bend your knee to me.
You can not gift someone something in which is not yours to give.
Do not underestimate the enemy.
So many of you do.
It’s important to know that ALL of Gaia from the rocks to the trees to the birds to the stars to the Universe, Lucifer moves through just as God does but he does so in cunning ways that sound so pleasing and beautiful to the ears, that glorify your ego in the name of “the divine” or “the universe”
How beautiful this sounds... how beautiful it sounds that all you need is you... you are the answer... you are God... you are the ultimate source of your power.
When I see these posts with the eyes of truth I know that it is God who CREATED the Universe, the moment you belittle the Almighty God into a box of what he has Created you have separated yourself from the trueness of who he is. I know that it is Christ IN me that I need, Christ IN me that is God, Christ IN me that is the Ultimate source of my Power. And this power inside of me wouldn’t be there if it weren’t for the Hueman embodiment of this love FIRST through Jesus Christ. For he is not the Keeper of the Gate into the Kingdom of Heaven but the King of all Kings on the Throne seated on the Right hand side of our Father God who says to us
“if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” ✨ Romans 10:9✨
We are saved because we see God for who he is. We respect, honor and serve his Light, not belittle what he has done but humble ourselves bellow him and we are covered white as snow in the unconditional love that is he. He bore it all for us already. For it is already finished. And when we uplift and glorify him he fills us more so with the love, power and miracles that move through every single one of our weaknesses, short comings, and all that in which has come to enslave you he fills with the light and wholeness of his love and through the words of YOUR testimony of his love in your life you too are able to set hearts free from the bondage and chains of this world and into the loving arms of our Father in heaven found through the Holy Spirit inside gifted to us through Jesus Christ.

“Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God,     the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary;     his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint,     and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary,     and young men shall fall exhausted;   but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;     they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary;     they shall walk and not faint.” ✨Isaiah 40:28-31✨

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Love in so many ways is blind. When you are in love with someone the love that is in you becomes so powerfully ignited that you are covered in rose colored lenses where they can do no harm, all you want to do is give every part of yourself to this person and make it known to them how special they are to you in your heart. The thing about love is it comes with sooooo many emotions and feelings with it that it is so easy to get lost in what love actually means. Who love actually is. Do you know who love is? What love actually looks like? In its fullness? For it is not a feeling or emotion.

“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” “Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”
✨1 Corinthians 13:4-7✨

We all fall short of what it means to hold Unconditional Love in its fullest form. Aside from who love is.. which is Jesus Christ. The living embodiment representation of the fullness of the love of our father in Heaven.
In knowing him he is able to help you take the rose colored lenses off and see love for what, and who it is. For this love does not rejoice in wrongdoing but rejoices with truth. And truth hurts... To unconditionally love someone does not mean to sacrifice TRUTH in order to have them in your life. To sacrifice unconditionally loving yourself so that you may unconditionally love someone else.... it doesn’t work that way... You can unconditionally love someone by placing sacred boundaries in the knowing of your worth and not settling for anything less. You can unconditionally love someone and do it from afar. You can unconditionally love someone even when they are unable to unconditionally love you. Love is not contingent on whether we like, respect, have sexual, physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual attraction to them. We can unconditionally love someone for the lesson and teacher they are in our life and you can unconditionally love them as you let them go because you will not tolerate anything less than the love that you have to offer this world that you have found through Christ.
Call back all your energy home to you, as you become whole in the unconditional love of Jesus that lies inside of you first who never once ceases to carry this unconditional love towards you, who will never let you down, who will always bring you back to the stillness and the knowing of who Unconditional Love truly is and you will be able to carry this Love while not tolerating the lies, deception and ignorance inside the hearts of so many, you will be able to carry this love through any storm, any heartbreak, any mountain, any trial, any low you can think of for Christ’s love is made STRONGER through your weaknesses and his love is always there for you and will guide you from the shadows of the valley of darkness into the magnificence and wholeness and pure light of our Creator always ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ✨❤️

“We love because he first loved us.”
✨1 John 4:19✨

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The only thing God asks us to seek aside from himself and Jesus in the Bible is Wisdom. If you look back through all the translations of the Bible the Hebrew Bible the name for Wisdom is Sophia. In all translations wisdom is referred to as a SHE. Yet the suppression of her name in the biblical texts today has her suppressed and hidden from the eyes of man.
“No, we declare God’s wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began.” ✨1 Corinthians 2:7✨
“But where shall Wisdom be found?… Man does not know the way… It is hid from the eyes of all living…” ✨Job 28: 12✨
Hidden? So even scripture tells us how wisdom is hidden... but how?
Think for a moment how powerful Jesus name is. How you can cast out demons in his name alone. Can you see how the simple switch of taking away her name how much hidden mysteries are now covered from the eyes of those who are not reading the scriptures with eyes to see... read these verses again with her name...
“No, we declare God’s Sophia, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began.”
“But where shall Sophia be found?… Man does not know the way… It is hid from the eyes of all living…”
Is it just me or do these scriptures just come alive?๐Ÿ˜
My journey to discovering Sophia started with my curiosity of Mary Magdalene. This woman always depicted beside Yeshua in paintings, was not only there when Jesus was crucified but was the very first soul Christ revealed himself to after his resurrection, this faithful woman to Jesus since the day he freed her from 7 demons that had been tormenting her yet this is all she is known for in Bible... she actually is barely mentioned and it really bothered me. It also bothered me how she was only talked about in relation to her former life before Christ, not after she had been reborn. It is known how jealous the disciples were of Mary for Jesus treated her as an equal to them and it didn’t sit well with them or any of the Pharisees and religious leaders at that time. To then find out she has her own gospels that were not only rejected from the Bible but after being hid away a huge chunk of her gospels were “lost” ... well that doesn’t seem fishy to me at all... What was left from them is Jesus going over the concept of Matter, how we all return to the whole, and scripture of Mary embodying the Holy Spirit after Christ’s ascension. It got me thinking how much juicy scripture was “lost”... hidden.... How powerful the woman is to innerstand fully the likeness and fullness of our Father in Heaven... for it is the Woman that holds the mysteries to the glory that was destined before time began...
“The Lord created me at the beginning of his work, the first of his acts of old. Ages ago I was set up, at the first, before the beginning of the earth ...
When he established the heavens, I was there, when he drew a circle on the face of the deep, when he made firm the skies above, when he established the fountains of the deep, when he assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters might not transgress his command ...
then I was beside him, like a master workman, and I was daily his delight, rejoicing before him always, rejoicing in his inhabited world and delighting in the children of man.”
✨Proverbs 8: 22-31✨
Diving deep into my Bible again after having many convictions and realizations of the distortions around New Age programming and seeing the Christ awakening happening in so many I realized that this is what God has been preparing me for my whole life. As someone who has grown up in religious programming to then having my Christ awakening after I had overdosed on drugs... being baptized in not only the Holy Spirit but the Holy Ghost, having miracle healing upon my life and my life being a vessel for miracles in the lives of those I lay hands on in the name of Jesus... I served at this Church for 6 years, was apart of their internship program, got a year Bible college degree not to mention the years of studying the Bible growing up in private school having Bible as a class, going to church camps every summer... Jesus has always been my number one man. This whole “Christ awakening” is a lot different for me than it is for others that I am seeing for I already knew the distortion of the New Age before being called to learn from the truth in it just as I knew the distortion around Religious programming... I see so many people running from one program right into another... Religious programming was where I left before embarking on this journey through the New Age and I am not going backwards... I started questioning God asking him to reveal to me the distortion I was feeling in my heart... One night sailing after I had just got off night shift at the helm it’s like 3am and I cant get to sleep I am overcome with the spirit to pray in tongues and seek out this distortion that had been sitting in my soul after prayer in tongues I bring my spirit to stillness and in this stillness I hear “My Sophia... My Sophia...” just over and over and over again to the point where I was wide awake and needed to know who this Sophia was. Thus began the rabbit hole of Wisdom that has brought so much clarity and knowing to my soul and her hidden secrets are waiting to be revealed to those who call her out by NAME.
“Does not Sophia call, Does not understanding raise her voice? To you, O men, I call, and my cry is to the sons of men.”
✨Proverbs 8: 1-4✨

 “Truly, my heart and soul search for Sophia has not been for myself alone, but for all seekers of Sophia.” ✨Ecclesiasticus 24: 34✨
This suppression of our mother, the belittling of her to an energy of thought instead of the SPIRIT that she is in which our LORD made ALL things... This has lead most Christians today operating in the Inverted Father without innerstanding the womb in which all life was birthed through.
“How many are your works, Lord!     In Sophia you made them all;     the earth is full of your creatures. There is the sea, vast and spacious,     teeming with creatures beyond number     living things both large and small.”
✨Psalms 104:24-25✨
“Sophia is a tree of life to those who embrace her; happy are those who hold her tightly. By Sophia the LORD laid the earth’s foundations, by understanding he set the heavens in place;” ✨Proverbs 3:18-19✨
Seeking our Father and neglecting our Mother has manifested in our physical realms today and throughout the ages in women suppression. For there is no divine mother in religion... This disconnection from our divine mother Sophia has lead to a complete disconnection to Gaia and the knowledge of our oneness to all organic creation in which we are interwoven together through our Mother... through Sophia. This is vitally important for both women and men to innerstand because only then can we mediate the healing qualities of Lady Wisdom that have been kept hidden from us so as to overcome the divisions which separate us from our true selves, from other human beings, and from the Earth.
Sophia states the traditional Christian belief that "Eve brought sin into the world by eating the apple of the Tree of Knowledge." In the light of her message, this "sin" can be interpreted as the recognition of duality; the knowledge of good and evil which was gained by eating the apple. The result was a "fall from Grace," a "fall" from the world of unity into a world of separation. This is the world that we now inhabit, marked by our sense of separation from other human beings, from the Earth, from God, and from our true selves. But there was another tree in the Garden wasn’t there? The tree of LIFE... What verse did I just share about wisdom again...? “Wisdom is a tree of life to those who embrace her; happy are those who hold her tightly.”
She is the tree in the Garden in which God asks us to eat FREELY from. Sophia tells us it is time for her to transform Eve. It is she who brings wholeness by integrating the dualities: the masculine and the feminine, the human and the divine, the light and the dark, the creator and the creation.... Christ and Sophia are one BUUTTTTT Oneness does not mean sameness. ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ™๐ŸผThe unity of Christ and Sophia must be seen as a differentiated wholeness, a dynamic balance between "Logos" and "Wisdom." For Sophia is submitted to THY Will, when you call out to our Mother she will guide you into the arms of our Father. She restores the imbalance of the inverted Father of religion while reclaiming the Divine feminine from the inverted mother of the New age. To seek Sophia is to seek Wisdom in her fullest most embodied self. What an incredible love story Sophia and Christ have, the greatest love story that I am still uncovering and learning from everyday. Should any of these truths of Sophia resonate with you, ask her to reveal her hidden secrets to you personally. Seek her out and she will show up. She is the most beautiful energy of knowing the more I learn about her the more I am taken back with how incredible our God is, The more patient I have become, my capacity to hold space for perspectives that don’t align with my own, my compassion for all of creation and the ones that are the hardest to be compassionate for. I can go through all the fruits of the Holy Spirit in my life and the bountiful harvest I see producing in me despite the chaos of the world around me as Wisdoms spirit has filled my soul with the light of her knowing and she is ready for me to speak up boldly in her name for it is SHE at the city gates...
“There, and at the gates, at the entrance to the city,     right in front of the city doors she cries out: Lady Wisdom: O people! I am calling to you;         I have a message for all humanity.     You gullible people, acquire insight.         You naive ones, cultivate a heart that truly understands.
    Listen, for I am about to tell you of unparalleled excellence and beauty;         what I am about to say will set things right.”
✨Proverbs 8✨
Her beauty and excellence are unparalleled! She sets our hearts into alignment with the one true God for through her and Christ we are lead back to the Garden, to the Tree of LIFE and eternal love๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ✨