Friday, June 18, 2021

Growing up I always wanted a "Best friend" like that 1 bestie you see in movies. I would go through seasons of having a really close friend I would spend the majority of my time with for a season but I love meeting people. Its my gift to each soul I meet is my presence and I know this. With being such a free spirit and being in the moment I am a lot harder to reach sometimes virtually, I am not good at keeping up with texting or with special dates as I don't even know what today is now! but really though I don't.. I just had to look at my phone to see πŸ˜‚ TGIF everyone! πŸ˜… I am a healer and traveler called on a big purposeful mission for humanity to anchor in heaven on earth... You say this to most people and they think I'm cray cray🀷🏻‍♀️πŸ˜‚ I have an abundance of love to give in my heart and anyone who is meant to have my time and energy will align where my spirit is at. I will sacrifice it no longer to appease anyones ego. I am not that friend who can be your everyday energy drain because you know I will fill your cup... How often are you filling mine? My cup is full when you stand in your power and own your shit. Use the energy of love and life I am pouring into you and fucking do something with it for your highest purpose whatever that looks like for you. The moments of energy I share with everyone I meet are absolutely sacred and they know it. Thats why I have to put boundaries up. Speak my truths and not be made to feel guilty over not being who someone else "needs" me to be. I don't fit in a box of anyones understanding I have learned this even with my best friends growing up and people I love most it is evident I am my own breed 🀷🏻‍♀️ It wasn't until I began my Shamanic practices, went through the dark night of the soul, and began to speak my truths and stop sacrificing my spirit to make everyone around me feel good that I began to meet my lone wolves out there that like me who don't fit into this world for we have been called out of it. My love has been so misunderstood in this programed world my whole life. I love to give I love to tell you that you are beautiful and that there is nothing that you can't do. I love to smile and look you in the eyes, let you know I see you. Underneath all your baggage, underneath all your trauma, underneath all your fears... I see you.. I see love. I expect nothing nor want anything in return other than for you to take that love and let it grow.

I have spent my whole life vibrating on these deep waves of unconditional love so much differently than the souls around me. I have an energy that people crave. To say that in our society today would mean I am conceited as we have belittled our power for so long seeing others own theirs is intimidating to those who give their power away and suck dry the energy of souls who are like me in order to replenish the energy lost. People like me naturally with love and grace put on the lenses of perspective of every soul we meet. We feel their pain, we seek to innerstand why they believe what they believe without ever compromising our spirit but allowing those perspectives to question our own selves to seek truth and love through it all. We lay down our egos whenever asked to. We care deeply about the souls and world around us and want everyone who encounters us to feel loved, heard and seen. If we are not aware we will pour every ounce of energy we have into every single soul that comes our way whether they are truly worthy of our sacred energy or not as boundaries are not something that comes naturally for they are earned and worked for through time and time again getting sucked dry from the energy vampires of the world that see our light and abuse it. Each one is our teacher. Where the world gets stuck in the same repetitive cycles.. same toxic relationships, same drama, same job they hate working for the system, same fears, same excuses, same sicknesses, same same same πŸ˜‘ We have the opportunity to learn lessons from each soul we meet so that when another teacher comes around with that same lesson and given the choice to either recognize the lessons learned or choosing to relive those lessons again we are able to recognize and move forward on our growth journey. Because society and programming have the majority of humans on a loop this makes it really hard to have long lasting friendships for part of growth is learning my worth. Part of growth is owning and demanding respect for who πŸ‘ am and the energy I bring into a space. Part of growth is knowing when to let go of all that is no longer serving me and choosing to love certain people from afar knowing that they are no longer in alignment with the energy I am choosing to operate in. Part of growth is knowing that my happiness is mine alone no one else has that and it is also not my responsibility to be in charge of anyone else's happiness. For my soul isn't bound by boundaries or expectations from anyone around me regardless if they are the ones I love most in this world or haters. If I have to be or do anything in order for you to be happy or love me then that is not love that is control. 

Friendships are not about how much time is spent together, how much time is spent texting while not together, how much time is spent apart, whether they are wearing the same outfit you are or say all the same things you do, its not whether they remembered to call you on your birthday or not, how often they make you feel good. True friendship is about making the most of every moment spent together allowing a safe space to be seen, heard and felt without needing to be right or share the same opinions as each other but honoring and respecting each others individual journeys while speaking your truths from heart space and listening to the others truths from a space of seeking to innerstand. Its about innerstanding every soul has their YOUnique callings and gifts to offer this world we can not claim anyone we can only love and own our own energy that we bring into the space not rely on anyone else to be something for you. Friendship is 2 whole souls sharing love together without expecting anything in return and both leaving that encounter more full than before. This bond is outside of time and space and has no need for labels or rules it flows with the divine water of our eternal sources unconditional love that allows each soul to be free to be πŸ™πŸΌ✨

To be my friend and earn the right to my sacred energy the love in your heart needs to be flowing with mine otherwise you'll get caught in my wake for πŸ‘ Know my worth now. πŸ‘ don't have time to waste on souls who need me to be what they can't be for themselves. I flow with the waves of the ocean not serving the egos of anyone but the One true eternal source of us all that is living and breathing inside of me and I am always here to remind you of your power to do the same. Always here to lead you back to you because that's what a true healer does. For only YOU can heal you. I am just your guide ❤️✨πŸ™πŸΌ 

"Love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor." ✨Romans 12:10✨

Saturday, June 12, 2021

We have all been given YOUnique lenses of our world. Of this moment right now. As you read this my words are being filtered through this lens that has been created through your very own personal experiences, trauma, circumstances, and programming that has shaped you into the authentic one of a kind being you are today. This moment right now not a soul on this earth is viewing from your perspective even if you are sitting next to someone else as they were to hypothetically read this with you... In your perspective you see them and in their perspective they see you, different sides of the couch, different views of the space you are in, different emotional states and walks of life, different things that trigger you, different things that light your soul on fire... Where this post is going to hit hard and home for one person another person will think its bullshit 🀷🏻‍♀️ 

Perspectives... I think about this often when I am in a convo with someone... How our perspectives of the convo and how each of us are processing the words and energy is completely different depending on our very own lenses and internal battles we each are facing. How if you were to ask each of us individually what we talked about and what stuck with us the most chances are the answers, though they may have similarities, will be different from each other.

With so many YOUnique perspectives and the amount of ignorance the majority of humanity has for anything outside of what they can see from their own lens, the agenda to divide and conquer is rising, as more veils continue to break and the egos need to be right about all that's going down rises with it. So many of you are still stuck on arguing over fucking masks and the color of our skin as though these are the greatest problems in our world right now... How easy it is to view the physical symptoms of a spiritual war  and focus all your energy on how those symptoms look from your lens instead of doing the internal work needed to dig deeper to the cause and root of these symptoms. If that is you, then honey you are in for a rude awakening when the truths of the perspectives of those who are actually doing this internal work that you keep silencing and disregarding shatter everything you thought you ever knew.

Any person speaking out against mainstream bullshit has had to go through this realization and they have gone through it multiple times, and continue to go through it because as soon as our lenses of what we think is reality get shattered even with just one belief... everything is shattered... Its a realization of fuck I know nothing... Its a realization that every single belief I have ever had has been instilled into me since I was a child... None of these beliefs are my own but what I have been told to believe... What is real? What does real even mean? We begin to question everything... Never take any thought or perspective as truth but as another lesson to be learned, we learn quick to drop our egos need to be right and listen to those who have different perspectives from us not from a space of "I am right you are wrong" but truly seeking to put ourselves in their shoes.. Why do they believe these things? What are others with this perspective saying? Is this perspective rooted in emotions or love? What do they have to gain through sharing this information? How much time have I verse the person sharing their perspectives personally spend researching this topic outside of what the news and media keep shoving down my throat? Have I spent time holding this belief as my own asking all the questions that arise within myself while doing so?

Truth is most ya'll want to be told what to believe as you have never been taught how to think for yourself. Asking questions that are outside of surface level bullshit is taboo in a society that needs your obedience to a fallen system in order to thrive. That needs your ego to ignorantly defend your indoctrination while labeling those who refuse to bow down to your idols who are making BILLIONS off of you being sick slaves with a paycheck that you can use to pay for your glorified prison cells that you allow 6 companies to tell-a-vision to program your choice of shows to be channeled into your subconscious allowing those 6 companies to do your thinking for you.. as you are giving your sacred energy that fuels their power over you... Energy isn't just a spiritual term this is science to all you who preach your mainstream science Energy is life. All of it. Why when you walk into a room after a couple just had an argument you can feel it... We all exude our own authentic light and as we direct our thoughts and attention towards things, those things receive our light energy too. This energy can be harvested by those apart of the Occult Knowledge that has been kept hidden from us and they can use it in ways I have only scratched the surface of that I haven't or won't spend my energy going down every rabbit hole that is involved in waking up to the Matrix that is this world we are in and how evil these entities who think they are in charge are.. In one perspective they are and for those who choose to allow these entities to feed off your energy that reality is about to get much darker. For those who awaken to hold awareness of the true war we are facing and choose to hold the Christ blueprint inside of yourself of the highest frequencies of love and truth who has no fear of questions or opposing perspectives for truth never fears lies... It is lies who fear truth. You will begin to love the things that trigger you for they force you to uncover deeper within yourself the inner childhood wounds that need healing. You will begin to see this love inside the hearts of everyone you meet helping to innerstand them better, which helps you innerstand you better as everyone we meet is a reflection of ourselves.. You'll see different angles and depths to your own soul and truth as a whole in deeper ways than you ever could by surrounding yourself with robots who all think and do the same things on repeat as you daily wake to the same job and petty bullshit while denying the goals and dreams inside of your spirit that lead to deep knowings and a love that will rush over you like electric water that has no need for the opinions, judgements, or fears of the world for the unconditional love of our Source living and breathing inside of you is greater and more powerful than any force against it.

This love is never forceful, this love has no need to be right but a need to give, a need to innerstand the love in every perspective brought to its path and this can only happen when we let go of our egos and listen to the heart of every soul that comes in alignment on your path. Give them space to be seen and heard for who they are "good" or "bad" is irrelevant because both are lessons, both lead us to Source should we choose to sit with every perspective in love with no need to be right or wrong outside of emotions, opinions and feelings but instead in the energy of oneness that connects you to everything and everyone around you...

What is the lesson here? 

Growth comes through trimming off the beliefs, thoughts, habits, friends, family, relationships, things and circumstances that are no longer serving you and this only happens through your willingness to expand your perspectives outside of what you think you know, deciding that you know nothing and allowing life and the Spirit inside and all around you be your teacher. Growth comes when you can listen to a perspective that triggers you and instead of reacting in that trigger you sit with it, question it and ask yourself what is this teaching me and what was this persons heart and intention instead of reacting in anger through your lens of perspective that whether you like it or not has blind spots. The power of taking a deep breath and tuning into the electric water of love in our hearts and choosing to operate in those energy frequencies regardless of the world around you now those who operate here are only going to shine brighter and brighter creating and birthing a new earth through their faithfulness to their YOUnique soul contracts that are written in our DNA that most will not unlock due to their faithfulness to their perspectives indoctrinated into them from the fallen timelines of darkness and deceit.

Is being right really worth your soul? Because that's what this is about.

not your mask

not the color of your skin

but your eternal soul

Whether you choose to believe this or not... THAT is what this war is about. Just like I am holding an apple behind my back whether you choose to believe it or not... or am I? πŸ€”πŸ˜œ Point being nothing is what it seems. Our 2 eyes are very deceiving that's why we have been given a 3rd one, unseen to see the unseen. This is why our YOUnique perspectives are so valuable and also why we need to be willing to speak them from heart space open to all the perspectives our one perspective ignites in the world around us. To speak your Truths expecting others to listen and innerstand you while not allowing others the same respect is absolutely hypocritical and will get you nowhere. I am you, you are me.. I see you...

Can you see me?



"A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion." ✨Proverbs 18:2✨

Monday, June 7, 2021

It's easy to look at the darkness of our world today and talk about how awful it all is. The physical symptoms of a spiritual inner battle within each of us which manifest in such ugly ungodly ways due to the parasites that have infected organic creation through the free will that most stay ignorant to as we have been taught to only trust the 1% of light fragments we can see with our 2 eyes and disregard the other 99% as though it is non existent... We all have been given a choice to choose our fates in this 3D reality. "Oh but Taylor I didn't choose the family I was born into.. I didn't choose the circumstances I grew up in, I didn't choose the skin I am in.. I didn't choose..."

 You done yet? πŸ€”πŸ˜…

Can you not see how much of a victim you have made yourself over the very circumstances that were meant as lessons for you to become a victor over? Can you not see that all this energy you are spending by judging and blaming everyone else around you is getting you no where close to the inner healing and joy that our world so desperately needs right now? That YOU so desperately need right now...? How does arguing over anything ever help? There only EVER is resolution when both parties are heard from neutral lenses outside of beliefs or emotions seeking to innerstand with full disclosure of TRUTH regardless of how harsh or uncomfortable it is. 

Our world will never heal an inner battle by projecting outwardly more wounds into our physical realm. We must bring our energy inward where the battle is at. It is not our job to heal the world it is our job to heal ourselves. Through doing so we heal the world for we all are reflections of each other. We are a product of the world we have been born into. Thats it. It is up for us to decide what world is it that we want to create? Truly ask yourself how do you see our future world? Me? I can tell you I don't see it divided by the color of our skin, I don't see it walking on egg shells trying not to hurt Karens feelings, I don't see it gossiping, judging, and talking about surface level BULLSHIT as MILLIONS of children are being stolen, tortured, rapped, and ritually sacrificed for their organs and sacred blood that evil people consume as they lie and deceive the masses keeping everyone in a state of fear and delusion into believing these idols can save them from illnesses in which they create and profit BILLIONS off of as they continue to murder the innocence and voiceless and we as obedient sheep do what we are told and never question the narratives being presented to us by the 6 corporations who own every single thing we watch and see... 

 the programming each of us individually have been under is absolutely intense and being aware and awake to it all now as we see the world like being sober at a party full of drunks it is easy to look at the world as fools and think.. How tf do they still not SEE?! When in reality my love it is an absolute MIRACLE that you broke through your programming that has been in your family for GENERATIONS. That some of you have lived many lives seeking the enlightenment that you have now. YOU are the bringer of New Earth.. No one else is going to do it for you. It is up to you to fulfill your soul assignment of anchoring heaven on earth and you can only do that by going through your own individual programming and taking OWNERSHIP for your role to play in all this, knowing it is the words of our testimonies that heal our world around us and our testimony comes when we face the demons and inner childhood wounds and trauma buried deep within us with courage and bravery as we face head on and take the actions and steps needed to bring love and awareness to the area inflicted by the sins of our world. For you are perfectly and wonderfully made. For your brothers and sisters are perfectly and wonderfully made... It is not you or them who is sinful but the world you have been born into... the thoughts and warfare in your mind that continually beats you up telling you I can't, or I'm not strong enough, or it is their fault not mine... 

Your life is yours and yours alone but you beautiful soul are not your thoughts... You are the Observer outside of them.

Stop giving your power away to leaders, the government, celebs, your friends, your parents, your job, your partner... to ANYONE outside of you...  It is not their job to make the world a better place it is YOURS and you do it by making your world a better place... the blame game is getting our world no where and counterproductive to the words you try to preach and shove down other peoples throats... your anger rooted in emotional trauma and uneducated opinions due to your neglect to your own spirit who needs more than anything to be loved and seen... It is brave and courageous to confront these parts of yourself but it isn't as complex as your brain is making it out to be... 

The steps are actually super simple...

Tune into your life force energy.

The Breath.

Sit there in it.. Feel it move through your body...  

Then ask.. and you shall receive❤️πŸ™πŸΌ✨

 What question do you need to ask yourself in this moment? Be honest with you and take your healing one question at a time with no expectations of time or what you want the answer to be. Sit there with this question outside of opinions, emotions or beliefs... be the observer outside it all until spirit gives you the answer. 

It is our egos that complicate things. 

The answers we seek are not what we want to hear. 

They are Truth.

Which most often than not are the things we do not want to hear but need to hear, this is why this inward journey takes bravery, this is why it is hard... because the more you let go of the belief that Christ is anywhere else but inside of you... That the savior you have been waiting for is living and breathing inside of your own soul waiting for you to ask the questions you have been terrified of the answer forgetting that NOTHING formed against you shall prosper, for you are the Gods and Goddesses of Gaia and it is time we claim our power and be the change we wish to see in our world... Stop projecting your unhealed wounds disguised as virtues and morals as you spew more judgement and hate into the collective and ask yourself the question what is it inside me that needs to be healed so that I may rise into the highest purpose upon my life connected to Highest Truth and Source of us all? The programming I have been under is the problem in this world... and I have the power of the most High God backing me up to SLAY it all and create a beautiful life abundant in every way despite what timelines the world is choosing to create around me. I am the Master of my fate, the Creator of my Destiny and through confronting these demons I will know the cure when they cross my path again in a reflection of me needing the fire and strength I have alchemized through facing my own programming and demons which intern helps release theirs... because I heal myself.. I heal my sisters.. I heal my brothers.. I heal my neighbors, I heal my family, I heal my future generations, I heal my ancestors, I heal anyone who comes in contact with my light and energy for they see the light in me and I shine so bright onto the wounds in them that need healing or ignite the RAmemberance in them that they are exactly where they are supposed to be. 

I heal me. 

That's why I am a healer. Why I know how powerful the frequencies of healing flow through my body. Why people come to me to seek healing in their own life. 

They see my fruits. 

I am not a Preacher.
I am not your Leader.
I am not your Guru
I am not above anyone.

I am you as you are me.

I am a wild and free woman who knows who she is and cannot be tamed or indoctrinated into any system or society. I have gone deeper into my soul than most dare to ever face the demons, pain, and work it takes to separate oneself from who the world tells me to be... and listen to that still small voice guiding me to the most magical places despite all the battles and resistance that attempts to get in my way. 

My life you see today, the blessings, the love, the confidence, the fire, the light, is all alchemized pain. It is all ME taking ownership of my life... owning my programming, owning my gifts and owning my light that my authentic one of a kind spirit has to offer this world and stepping into my power through Christs love in my heart to embody all in which I wish to see in this world with no expectations of what anyone else is doing around me. New Earth is HERE and whether you decide to be apart of it... 
Now that is up to you... for New Order is also here... The road is not easy either choice you make though only one leads to the promise land. Choice is yours Brothers and Sisters ❤️πŸ™πŸΌ✨ I am here for you if you have read this far into this post you need to know it is because you are the Gatekeepers of New Earth. You are destined to heal every wound within yourself that you may think is not possible... That's your programming my love for all things are possible. You are worthy of complete miraculous transformation and healing in your life. Hold faith and follow that still small voice and its yours. πŸ™πŸΌ✨❤️

“I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20

Friday, June 4, 2021

 So many opinions and perspectives in the collective, we talk as awakened beings the power of opening our throat chakras and speaking our souls truths and for some this is second nature as for others it is painful and takes a significant amount of work and effort. People look at me now and assume speaking my truths is second nature for me... and as a little girl it was, but from years of bullying and longing for acceptance from the world my voice was stolen from me and it has taken me years to find it again. 

Speaking our truths does take courage... but if we can't lay our truths down to hold space for opinions and perspectives outside of our own... if we can't be open minded to the fact that the highest truth of all never fears or censors questions and opposing views but welcomes them and uses them to broaden and expand the truths that we were only able to see through our lens of perspective, our perspectives that come with blind spots and areas that are in need of a trigger to ignite more knowing within while keeping our egos in check, RAmembering this spiritual warfare we are under is not for the faint of heart and we ALL are under it whether we like it or not, whether you choose to believe it or not... Your truths are not the only truths out there and with that if you can't humbly lay down what you think you know, listen to those who have the courage to speak up for what they believe in despite the opinions around them and be ok with being wrong... 

Its ok... 

Its not the end of the world I promise... 

Well it is the end of the world as we know it today and that is all thanks to the ones brave enough to not only speak their truths but the warriors who confront themselves DAILY take OWNERSHIP of their role to play in this 3D reality innerstanding that highest Source truth is more important than our egos need to be right. The levels of deception each one of us have been under is so deep and so uniquely catered specifically to our authentic spirit meant to keep you in the program designed for you and to admit that.. 

To see that you are the problem... 

To say maybe the belief I have been carrying in my heart isn't serving me any longer... 

Now that.... THAT is brave.. THAT takes a shit ton of courage leaving you in a state of vulnerability and fear of the unknown as pain and guilt make their advances into the war zone of your mind, as you deal with the people in your life who carry the belief you let die gaslight and judge you forcing you to not only let one belief die but having to let go of the souls and circumstances connected to that belief. Truth is most people will never uncover their untapped potential and truths of this world for they are too afraid to ever face the demons that come with the thought of what if I am wrong... 

I have faced these demons many times. I am not afraid of them anymore and because of that they have lost their power over me... No its not easy but I will humble myself at any given moment, put on another lens of perspective to seek innerstanding and expand my awareness in love when I can see the person is coming from their heart space and have the ability to do the same for my perspectives. 

If they can't? 

That is my cue that they are no longer vibrating at the frequencies in which I am and the lesson my soul needed to learn from them is complete, I thank you Karen but it is time to go now have a nice life πŸ™πŸΌπŸ€·πŸ»‍♀️ This may sound harsh to people so attached to outcomes and what others will think but if you are truly on a growth journey you innerstand how precious life is, how precious your energy is to this world and how vital it is that you spend it on the souls and circumstances that are in alignment on your growth journey, who don't make letting go of what no longer is serving you more difficult than it already is but ease your spirit and remind you of who you are in the process. The beautiful thing about admitting you are wrong and claiming back your own power over your life is you find the souls who were cut from the same cloth as you are, not letting the world dictate to them what is reality but creating their own realities bringing all new perspectives and wisdom you could have never received in the limited mindset of the beliefs you were refusing to let go.

Let go my love.

The moment you think you know it all.. You know nothing.

"Do not be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by renewing your mind." ✨Romans 12:2✨