Monday, May 31, 2021

 I have always been judged for the fact I am always changing... 

"We shall see how long this phase lasts" they say.

In reality it is them I feel sorry for.

Living the same life, same job, same beliefs, same bullshit drama and excuses everyday as I choose to heal through each phase and grow past the limitations and expectations that keep them hostage.

I have done it all, from hostessing to waitressing, to being a nanny, starting a daycare, then became a solar rep as I interned for a church I was involved with as I got a year degree in bible college and oversaw the junior high girls as their youth leader, served in Sunday school and kids worship team for 6 years, became a health and fitness coach, lead yoga challenges and have worked with multiple companies as an IG influencer, traveled the world, met my husband across the world from me, moved across country, discovered Shamanism, went through the dark night of the soul where I discovered the unknown depths of deception and evil we are up against in the Physical and Spiritual realms to finally realizing why it was that I never fit in to this world... because I was never meant to fit in to a broken, uneducated, ignorant, lustful society.

Every job, service, and circumstance that I went through... that I go through today... I know is my teacher. I know I am here to learn my lessons and move on to the next one not just stay in a shitty situation because it once served me or "its the right thing to do"... Not just settle for what those around me deem as truth and acceptable as I people please my way to feeling dead inside but instead am always questioning everything and everyone. Where most allow their spirit to die inside as they live their lives serving someone else's dreams my spirit is a still small voice until it starts SCREAMING at me if I try to silence it. To those blinded by this false reality we are in, keeping you from evolving into your true human potential I can see how seeing someone going through so many changes may seem absurd in a world so stagnant. 

Shit now I am about to move onto a sailboat and sail the world to find land where I will create a holistic, self sustainable sanctuary for myself and my soul family who are called to this mission too... Sounds pretty fuckin crazy even to me πŸ˜…πŸ€ͺ and I am the crazy queen πŸ‘‘  Its these crazy things my spirit tells me that I accept as my truth and I will go to battle for until my spirit tells me otherwise and this is why I have accomplished all I have accomplished so far, why I go through "phases" and will continue to rise to everything along my path no matter how hard it gets for I know that absolutely nothing formed against me shall prosper πŸ”₯

How long will this phase last? IDK 🀷🏻‍♀️ as long as it takes or until my spirit calls me else whereπŸ™πŸΌ For I am not in service to mortals but to the God of all creation who has called me out of this world to journey into the depths of my soul very few are ever brave enough to travel, for gossip and judging others instead of taking ownership for your own life as you continue to repeat the same cycles over and over again is much easier πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ 

Nothing is going to change unless you make it. Period. 

It is not the worlds job to pity your ass for choosing to play victim to your circumstances when it is those same circumstances that would make you a victor should you choose to rise in your power and claim it. I get a little firey on this because I am sick of people throwing away their power for handouts as they judge those of us who refuse to be controlled into a system that is on an endless loop of nonsense. 

The choice is ours... We either grow or we don't... There are consequences to both. However only one has an eternal award at the end... Choose wisely πŸ™πŸΌπŸ”₯

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” John 14:26 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

 Tomorrow is my birthday. Well technically in 58 minutes and probably by the time I’m done writing this and post it will be my birthday as I lay here in my bed restless. 28 years around the sun. So many changes in my life and emotions flowing through me I have been battling it out in the warfare’s of my mind more than I would like to admit. More than I will admit here... 

How much of my soul gets misunderstood and fragmented by trying to place words over the indescribable. Though at the same time the magic that happens when I am able to find words and flow them together in such away that brings me back to RAmemberance. Brings me back home to myself and why my crazy ass choose to come back to Gaia to help bring forth New Earth as I anchor down heaven with my fellow Light Warriors. 

The heaviness of it becomes as unbearable as the lightness of it is freeing. 

The capacity for emotions in my body and how many of them I can hold in one given moment has taught me so much of my strength and abilities to heal the world around me through my ability to heal myself as I observe each emotion as though we are at a dinner party together.. I get to know each one that enters my vessel, I allow them the time and space to be felt, listened to and heard. I love and thank each one for the lessons they teach me and I show them the way out of my vessel as I reclaim my sovereignty using the pain, hurt, sadness, love, joy, kindness, and the list goes on to fuel the fire in my soul for my purpose. 27 has been my most growth and transformational year yet. I have learned more about who πŸ‘ am and the great calling upon my life to be the change I wish to see in this world in ways sadly most people will never have the courage to step into. Most people can never admit that it was them who was holding them back this whole time no one else. It’s easier to blame... The heaviness is much more bearable numbing your life with distractions and addictions to ever know who you are... the fact I know who I am that statement alone makes me a threat to the system that has always indoctrinated us into who they need us to be. Distracted and Addicted. The fact I am willing to lay down everything I love... everything that makes me feel whole and safe... everything that makes my heart ache with the deepest longing for the sake of my highest purpose... for the sake of my mission here on earth... for the sake of our children and the innocence without a voice that need my fire and truth inside my voice frequencies that have the ability to wake up the souls others have deemed lost. Wake up the ones that would never have had the courage had they not seen me rise into mine... I know my power. I know what I ignite in those around me and you either love me or hate me... and going into 28 I can honestly say I don’t give a shit which one it is 🀷🏻‍♀️ For I innerstand deeply that I do not serve the world. I serve a God mightier than the idols most worship and trends that are in season... I serve a God who loves deeper than the darkest hole I find myself in that will resurrect anything my heart lays down to serve and will do so in such divine timing that my soul cannot help but cry out oh lord you glorious wondrous eternal source of love and strength, I am whole because of you. I am me because of you. and it is you who has been inside of me all along. For it is you I choose to share with the world. For I am called to be a Lampstand to the world with tongues of fire and truth. So 28 here I come... If you can’t handle the heat I’d stay out of my way for my flames have just begun to rise... This is just the beginning and I already know that this lap around the sun is going to be my most epic one yet πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ☀️😎 

Friday, May 21, 2021

The sound of the waves crashing against the shore, the feeling of a warm embrace from someone I love, the magical colors of the sky as the sunsets, the sweet compliment from a stranger, the beauty and stillness of the trees, the laughter shared in a moment I will relive in my memories, the warmth of the sun on my face, the moment my eyes lock into the soul of another’s, the perfect breeze that blows against my skin on a hot day, the smile from a spirit that ignites joy inside of me regardless of my circumstances, the soft furr on my palms as I spread love to a beautiful creature, the “I love you” from someone who means everything to me, the smell of my favorite homemade meals, the silence shared with those I don’t feel the need to fill the empty space with, the feeling of sand in between my toes, the look on someone’s face when I speak life and love into their heart, the way the birds so effortlessly soar through the sky, the way my gift of song takes me and all who listen to the heavenly realms, the way my body feels as I fuel it with Gaia medicine, the healing energy that flows through my left hand as I pray for a soul in need of my touch and frequencies, the sound of my drum as I tune into the heart beat of Mother Earth, the butterflies in my tummy when I run straight towards my fears, the freedom of movement as I dance and flow in my body, the flames that rise inside of me when I speak my truths despite what anyone around me thinks, the rise and fall of my life force energy inside my vessel always there no matter what darkness I am facing... 

✨For this is life. 

✨The greatness, happiness and desires we seek are not found in grand gestures, they aren’t found in a “happily ever after” they are not found in the cards we have been dealt with... They are found here and now. As you let go of the warfare in your mind and the emotions clouding your heart and bring yourself back to the present moment, into the space of gratitude for all that is, for the opportunity to touch, feel, hear, see, do, be and love ❤️ 

✨You are a living miracle and the light you have inside of you has the ability to shine hope into the hearts of those around you just by being you... just by being that smile, being that love, being that change you have been praying for in your life as you allow the small things that light your soul on fire to fill you up to step fully into the highest purpose on your life. 

❤️You are so loved, you are so WORTHY of it all, and no matter what mountains you are facing in your life...

It’s the little things that make life worth living ❤️✨πŸ™πŸΌ

Monday, May 10, 2021

 How is this possible? For there to be the highest Source of us all in which we were all a perfect wonderful reflection of, but there be this unthinkable evil that seeks to destroy it all that is not of this Source? Where would it come from if we are all from the same indescribable space...? Well... the answer is but 2 words... Free Will.

We have been given a CHOICE. We are not being forced to step into our full Divinity, we are not being forced to connect ourselves to the eternal light of Unconditional Love that is always there. The fact we have free will has made us just as powerful as our Source in this physical realm but without the full innerstanding of what that truly means. Thinking that our choices made out of our own egoic desires won't have a grand affect on humanity that is outside of the will and truth of where we came from, that the decisions we make as the Gods and Goddesses of Gaia don't have the ability to alter and create realities in which are completely separate from the organic Creation in which we are called to protect, love and nurture. With free will comes entities that believe they know better than our Source, deceiving creation to believe they are one with us as this is the ONLY way they can exist. Deceiving us into believing our power lies outside of ourselves, that being spiritual and "love and light" automatically means you are operating in truth... Do not underestimate these Gods and Goddesses, these demons and fallen angels, these false prophets, Aliens and AI that has plagued society, religion and the spiritual community. 

AI = Artificial intelligence 

This is ANYTHING that has been created by free will outside of God's organic will.

When we hear AI we have been programmed to think of robots and technology which yes these are apart of AI but AI runs deeper than what you can see in the physical realms and thrives and lives inside our minds, our thoughts, our subconscious habits from years of indoctrination as we "Tell-a-vision" to "Channel" "Programs" into our energy vessels as we eat and inject poison into our bodies thinking that these CHOICES don't have consequences. 

The spiritual community sees right through this bullshit but then fall into the trap that we are "All One" we must accept this AI as ourselves to truly be whole, that we are only called to take care of ourselves it is not our job to "wake up" the masses, that the entities in the spiritual realms know what is best for humanity and their advice is the same as highest Source truth because it sounds beautiful and tickles the ears just right, that we must not speak of such dark things because that is speaking fear but we need to love those dark things and through doing so "ascend" into the "5D" realms outside of this 3D matrix. 

You then have those stuck in religion pouring their sacred energy to a God outside of themselves denying the God within them thinking their prayers rooted in fear make them righteous and thinking they have all the answers in their judgment claiming 1 book that has man's ego hands all over it is the only word of God as scripture and knowledge has been hidden from us, altered, and taken completely out of context continuing the hate and division inside the hearts of humanity as we continue to search for answers from preachers, "leaders" and the world outside of ourselves when the only place we will EVER find the answers is the one place the world will never tell you to look. Within your own soul. 

The reason why your bible says not to worship other Gods and Goddesses is because WE are Gods and Goddesses. For we are created in the image of our incredible, indescribable Source and the Christ you have been worshiping outside of you is ONLY found within. Soo who then are you really worshiping? πŸ€” For this is written. The exact same spirit that rose Yeshua from the grave is living and breathing inside of our souls. For he said we are to do GREATER works than he, for if we were to have faith of a mustard seed we could tell this mountain to move and it would. If Christianity is the only right religion then how come ya'll aren't moving mountains and walking on water? I grew up in Christianity and I always questioned this... How come this religion that worships this man doesn't do anything this man said for us to do? Something is missing.... I am so grateful for growing up in this religion despite all the programming behind it because I learned about the truth about Yeshua through it which has helped me navigate the deception in the spiritual community trying to water down who he is to a prophet. 

What sets Yeshua apart is the Christos Blue print he carried within his soul to impart to all of humanity. For this is why he came... Not for us to worship and put on a pedestal above us but to BE us, and show us how to BE πŸ™πŸΌ For he called us brothers and sisters, for he humbled himself to SERVE humanity, laid down his own ego, desires, and his life not to bring peace on earth but to fill us with this same blue print spirit as he conquered the grave with the Sword of Truth we all carry which is forged in the fire of the wrath of our most high God to SLAY all that has CHOSEN to separate itself from eternal light. THIS is why his name and message have been so attacked, warped into a religion, and made out to be something he is not, for if humanity knew who he truly was, what his life and mission to humanity was truly for... How it is ONLY through the spirit he brought to this world into the hearts of us all that we can truly be connected to God's will and not our own desires that have been hijacked since the day we came out of the womb, for if we all innerstood these things the darkness would cease to exist.

We are in a WAR and the reward is our ETERNAL SOULS.

We are not called to pretend fear and evil doesn't exist but we are called to look fear and evil in the eyes and remind them of the Christ spirit inside of you, the unstoppable force of the Unconditional Love for all of organic source creation that trumps ANY weapon formed against you. For you cannot love the darkness and also love Creation. Period. You are either fighting for Gaia and humanity and destroying what has been formed against us or you are accepting it as you, or living in blissful ignorance of what we are truly up against. For it is through awareness that you have nothing to fear for you are the embodiment of Christ who has already defeated the darkness and has taken the keys of hell so that we may speak truth and fire as we humble ourselves to SERVE our brothers and sisters. To be in service of our children and all of Mother Earth as the protectors of this 3D realm not ascend out of it as we leave our brothers and sisters behind who don't know what we know, that our lights and AUTHORITY over ALL on this earth that has the ability to awaken MIRACLES inside the hearts that those operating in spiritual ego have deemed lost. 

This all comes back to Free Will my beautiful soul family. The choice is always ours. Choose Wisely. 

“The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.” Romans 8:11

Thursday, May 6, 2021

 Our Sacred Divine Feminine power has been stolen from us.

We have not only had it stolen but GLORIFIED and shoved down our throats, ears and faces every single day by the Jezebel Spirit in this programmed Matrix.

 I was overcome with the Holy Spirit in my meditations and prayers outside on my little patio to the highest truth of all, Lord of all Lords, Alpha and Omega, Christ-Sophia Spirit, I let go of everything that is not serving thee I said. 

I then am overcome with the only human word I can think of is Knowing. An intense energy of knowing that consumed me and I let it. I moved my arms and fingers as I do with my light gloves but this time instead of my human self trying to take control it was just....Water... Fluid and flowing as I said "I am the wind" and I kid you not a gust of wind from no where blew by with my magical dance flowing through my womb as I roll my hips and my sacral chakra feeling my breath as my hands so effortless fly through the air as out of no where I begin singing over and over "All that is not for you Lord I let go" till a whole song poured out from the heavens as though I had sang this song many times before as my body continued its sacred movements all while feeling the spiritual warfare in my mind deprogramming the wounds from Jezebel within me. First battling thoughts of what if my neighbors are watching me, the thoughts knowing that if a man was watching me he would be imagining my sacred movements for his ego sexual desires, then asking myself why do I care what my hypothetical neighbors are thinking? Asking this questioned helped me truly see how deep these Jezebel wounds are. Taking me on a journey into my inner child in so many different aspects, brought back to being bullied in elementary school for having boobs, being bullied in middle school by lil boys with hormones they didn't know how to handle a curvy developed girl for her age other than to pick on her and call her fat creating so much body dysmorphia within me, seeing my curves and then comparing myself to the tiny little popular girls and wondering what was wrong with me, taught in church that my curves needed to be hidden and that my body will "cause my brothers to stumble" to then being bullied in high school from girls who were intimidated by my beauty, created rumors about me, because of my curves I was labeled as a whore and guys would assume I'm DTF... I became fearful of my beauty for whenever I claimed it, Jezebel would attack me. You see... like Jessica Rabbit, I am not bad, I'm just drawn that way. For those who know me you know I waited until marriage to have sex. Not out of religious programming but out of the deep knowing in my soul how powerful sex truly was and it was something I only wanted to share with someone who had the ability to love me not for my looks or what I could do to please their sexual desires but for who πŸ‘ am. I am a beautiful woman. I'm not ignorant to my physical beauty it has been my biggest battle my whole life in this realm being that I am not only beautiful on the outside, but my inner beauty is very rare. I have always been awake to this even before knowing what I was awake to. My energy and beauty is intoxicating to some people and as an empath I can feel it. I did everything I could to hide it, deny it, and in the thick of my darkness unaware of truly how powerful this beauty was, as I was so consumed by what these people thought of me. Thinking that there was something wrong with me and having those suicidal thoughts in the dark hole that I buried myself under of all the opinions and thoughts of everyone else that kept my Divine Feminine in chains thinking it was she who was the problem. 

All this knowing is being poured from the heavens as I am singing and moving my body through my womb space and I feel these shackles being lifted. I feel my indescribable, powerful, stunning, Goddess within being set free. For it is Jezebel's spell on humanity that is the problem not me. For it is the thought that my body was created for the sexual pleasures of men that is the problem not me, for it is the thought that me moving energy through my body and embracing my senses means that I am a freak in the sheets that is the problem not me, for it is thinking that sex is expected if you find someone physically attractive that is the problem not me, for it is thinking that sex is nothing more than a lustful physical activity that is the problem not me, for it is demonizing the female body to serving our brothers programming that is the problem not me, for it is suppressing the knowledge and wisdom of who and what the Divine Feminine is to this world that is the problem not me.

 For my mere existence challenges this programming inside the hearts of all who see my light. I am sexualized, demonized, and misunderstood by all who are under Jezebel's spell. It has hindered my ability to have relationships with people especially males for most can't get past my physical beauty to truly uncover the depth and vastness of my soul inside. I know longer am censoring or hiding this beauty inside of myself no matter what Jezebel does to attack me, for my divine beauty has the power to move mountains, my sacred movements have the power to create worlds, my sovereign fire has the power to burn this Matrix to the ground and release the chains from my Goddess Warrior sisters who Jezebel has been lying to, convincing them their bodies and self expression is nothing but "sexy" ... My beautiful, stunning, warrior sister... Your body and self expression is SACRED πŸ’― It is absolutely divine and when you claim this knowing over yourself, there is absolutely NOTHING Jezebel can do to stop you πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ”₯πŸ™πŸΌ

The Divine Feminine is coming for you Jezebel... and there is nothing you can do to stop us πŸ”₯🧝🏼‍♀️⚔️  

“And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write: ‘The words of the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and whose feet are like burnished bronze. “‘I know your works, your love and faith and service and patient endurance, and that your latter works exceed the first. But I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and is teaching and seducing my servants to practice sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols. I gave her time to repent, but she refuses to repent of her sexual immorality. Behold, I will throw her onto a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her I will throw into great tribulation, unless they repent of her works, ..." ✨Revelation 2:18-29✨

Sunday, May 2, 2021

If you are operating from highest Source truth you have come to learn that Spirit isn't about you. These high up spiritual teachers that so many have placed on a pedestal use and teach spirit from a space of all the benefits Spirit can do for YOU. There is truth in this as it is so important we know who we are first, that we are nourishing and bringing peace to our vessels first and using the gifts of the spirit to bring us into our wholeness, our oneness, and feel the Unconditional Love of our Source inside. Spirit has done so many beautiful things for me and my life. It has brought me good feels, helped me bring others good feels, it has brought comfort in my darkness and safety from the energies and forces around me trying to penetrate my armor of God. 


This is not WHY I operate in Spirit. 

Our WHYS are SO important for they are our seeds of intention that will grow inside of our souls out to the world around us and if your why is not rooted in truth... Then it is rooted in ego. Spirit and Truth are 2 separate things if you follow me on IG you hear me talk about this a lot and how it is so important we never use 1 without the other. Truth doesn't always make you feel good does it? It doesn't always make others feel good, it is not comfortable and sure as heaven ain't always safe. On the Contrary Spirit rooted in truth forces us to feel the shitiness, to trigger those around us, to venture far and wide outside of the comfort and safety of what you thought you knew into the realms of the unknown facing darkness most cannot begin to imagine the pain and heartache it takes to dig deep inside of themselves and face the trauma and inner child wounds that Society has continually piled dirt over. It requires us to lay down everything we thought we knew at any given moment to humble ourselves, let go of our desires, attachments, labels, and thoughts that we have been claiming as our own and see that truth always leads to serving our brothers and sisters. Truth always leads to protecting and unconditionally loving our children. If you are not using Spirit to serve your brothers and sisters while protecting and speaking up for our children then you escaped the 3D Matrix and got tangled in the web of the Spiritual Matrix. 

The Spiritual Matrix is like the 3D one on steroids πŸ˜…πŸ’― It is AI technologies adapting and molding specifically to YOUR thoughts and habitual patterns. It knows the things that trigger you, the things that distract you, the things that bring feelings of pure bliss, how to clone into any of your spiritual teachers, angels or guides to twist truth just enough to keep you seeking more and more outside of yourself for the answers that are only found within... in stillness... with just you and our Source. I love my angels and my Spirit guides they are my friends and allies but I know the spiritual warfare we are under. I know that in order to be sure I am talking with them I need to call upon our Source above and within myself first, I need to never take anything any entity says to me as Source truth until I have sat with their perspectives in Source first. The Spiritual Gurus ya'll are worshiping are getting their wisdom from their guides or Aliens they have channeled and are relaying those messages back as Source truth... Did I mention there is a WAR right now in the spiritual realms? We cannot trust ANY entities outside of the Source inside of ourselves right now, EVERY perspective that is said including my own needs to be QUESTIONED. Not just accepted. 

If you have been using Spirit for the purposes of having blissful comfort as you dismiss what is happening to our brothers and sisters in our 3D realities thinking it is not your job to use your fire and truth to be of service to them then it is not the judgement of our brothers and sisters you need to worry about for our mighty God's wrath will pour from the heavens and burn ALL that have come to destroy Gaia and hurt his children and will consume you in flames with the rest of deception and if this triggers you it is time to ask yourself who are you serving? Your ego desires? Or all of Creation? Again... This is WAR whether you choose to accept this truth or not. Truth isn't always beautiful perspectives and rainbows. Its time we put on our Armor of God, pick up our Shields of Faith and SLAY with the Sword of TRUTH. For only then are you truly using Spirit for highest Source truth.

"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth." ✨Romans 1:18✨