Tuesday, August 31, 2021


This post is going to trigger a lot of people and in a way it triggers me πŸ˜… and I know it would have triggered me even more a little while ago but God is speaking to me and this perspective needs to be heard. Going through this New age programming and navigating the truths myself through my already knowledge and wisdom of who the true lord and savior Jesus Christ is and how he left his SAME spirit that was within him that rose him from the grave inside of us to go forth and do GREATER works than he (John 14:12) 

This truth has me personally resonate calling in Christ Consciousness... 



people who don’t know who Jesus is... People who don’t know the love and power and sacrifice that reside behind this consciousness they are calling forth... This ultimately has people operating in the AntiChrist Consciousness agenda for the Universe does not know the difference between Christ and AntiChrist they are one in the same unless you have the Knowledge of who Jesus Christ is and you put your faith in his word

 “And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God; and such is the spirit of Antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come, and even now already it is in the world.” ✨1 John 4:3✨

We have been deceived... Jesus was never deceived... He is not boastful about being the perfect lamb of God on the contrary he washes our feet and begs the Lord for forgiveness to the men who torture him and nail him to a cross “Forgive them father for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34) He healed anyone and everyone just by grabbing ahold of his robe (Mark 5 21:34) He operated in the Fullness of our incredible Source without falter after being tempted with the world 

“The devil took him to a high place and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in an instant. The devil said to him, “I will give you all the power and glory of these kingdoms. All of it has been given to me, and I give it to anyone I please. So if you will worship me, all this will be yours.”

Jesus answered him, “Scripture says, ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve only him.’ ” ✨Luke 4 5-8✨

Jesus is the brightest Light to Truth that will ever exist for he is the way, the Truth and the Life and no man shall go to the Father accept through him (John 14:6) By denying Jesus you are denying the Most High Source and Highest Truth of all... Whether you choose to accept this truth or not this will not take away Jesus crown and throne at the right hand side of our God as King of all Kings and Lord of all Lords and the most beautiful part is that he loves you regardless if you ever choose to love him... He is Agape in the Physical form... His love and grace is not the judgement of others that have prevented you from seeing how he wears his crown and how he reigns his kingdom and how he didn’t come to rule over us but be the perfect physical representation of who our father in heaven is so that we do not fall into the deception of the lies of Satan, the Master of Darkness and King of False Light who distorts what is Good into evil keeping us in a state of confusion, fear, and chaos or blissed out and feeding your demons your love energy so that they continue to wreak havoc on Earth. Jesus was a Demon slayer, a healer, a table flipper, a miracle maker, he is all the things that we need to be operating and doing but how come most aren’t? Religious programming has people focused only on Jesus Christ the Physical Human while neglecting the Christ Consciousness within us to go and perform miracles and embody who he is within us while New Age has you operating in the “Christ Consciousness” that Jesus Christ gave you while taking credit for it all as though this spirit is yours... ooo that stings doesn’t it? Whaaaat? This spirit isn’t mine?

“This is what the LORD says— Israel’s King and Redeemer, the LORD Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God.” ✨Isaiah 44:6✨

Jesus is the First and the Last this spirit we operate in is his and is there to keep us humble and covered in Grace through all the sin (separation from Source) that has been done to us since we were birthed into this Matrix. We can not make it through this without Jesus. We just can’t. 

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” ✨2 Corinthians 3:17✨

Freedom lies with Jesus. This is why people are so passionate about him not just the spirit he left in us but his physical human who walked on Gaia, played with our children, humbled himself as a SERVANT to us and paid the price for all of us so that even our shadows we are still uncovering within us are covered white as snow πŸ™πŸΌ✨ 

Without Jesus you begin to think you are Christ... that you are the king of all kings so to speak... this is what the AntiChrist agenda is... a bunch of false prophets who think they are operating in the fullness of God unable to get on their knees and wash someone’s feet. Unable to perform miracles and raise people from the dead as they belittle the man who was able to raise himself from the grave. You are not the Most High God... you are a piece of the greater whole part of being a piece is innerstanding the greater picture, that the world doesn’t revolve around you... 


that one stings too don’t it? πŸ˜¬πŸ˜…πŸ™πŸΌ❤️ This is why Jesus is so hated because Truth doesn’t feel good all the time! Truth honestly doesn’t give a shit about how you feel it just is. The AntiChrist agenda is our egos trying to claim who Christ is instead of submitting to the power and authority of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and letting go and trusting God to lead the way πŸ™πŸΌ❤️✨ I pray these perspectives hit your heart space with questions and thoughts to meditate and pray about as you seek out your own personal relationship with Jesus Christ first before you operate in Christ Consciousness so that you are sure of what spirit you truly are operating in πŸ™πŸΌ✨❤️ I can only speak on my relationship and years of service to his truth and it has lead me to the most incredible beautiful spaces my guides and angels have always and will always continue to lead me back to Yahweh and I am so blessed and honored to be a servant to the most high I wouldn’t have it any other way πŸ™πŸΌ✨

"May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all" ✨1Corinthians 3:17✨

Saturday, August 21, 2021


The Chosen Few✨ Our shine will blind those consumed by the darkness of this world and all dimensions for we are the spotlight onto their demons and inner child wounds that the dark kept “safe” in ignorance and fake solutions and bliss through systems and programs in place since we were born to keep us from knowing the truth to our Sovereignty and Oneness to all of organic Creation that has been infiltrated with a 

v!rus much deeper and more contagious and deadly than the C0v!d bullπŸ’© that the ones who sold their souls to this fallen agenda are force feeding the masses so that we never rise in UNITY and FREEDOM to say F🀬CK YOU to the system and take back Gaia for Christ and the Kingdom of Heaven ❤️✨πŸ™πŸΌ


Those brainwashed by the spells of the 1% will defend and lash out at any light shinning to expose it for they believe they need these idols and false security in order to be “safe” and create “heard immunity” against all that question their Sc!enc3. 

Then those brainwashed into the spiritual community believing they can ascend out of 3D life through false light they refuse to say exists and believe that the children who are being raped, tortured, r!+ually sacrificed chose their karma from a past life and it is not our job to save them 😳😀 

You see I have been quiet about a LOT of the things that I had disagreed with in the New Age and I was called to stay silent and question my beliefs through the lies and seek out the truths within them that I could blatantly see were being distorted or being taken out of context. Now I am seeing a huge shift in the Light community with Christ at the center of this awakening and I feel called to speak in my fire and authority of the truths in my heart for being a bridge to Christ and the New Age community as this is where Jesus has called me to through my own personal experiences in both religious and spiritual matrix and with that my light blinds Christians and New agers who have attachments to the beLIEves around the programming they are facing. 

I do not apologize for I do not consent to any labels or ideals of man but am in service to Jesus Christ and the Highest Source of us all. Let my light trigger what needs to be triggered, ignite what needs to be ignited and shine Gods light brighter towards love and truth.  

When going through letting go of the religious programs that growing up first in a very rigid Christian upbringing to after Highschool finding a church that operated in the Holy Spirit in ways that have changed my entire life towards service to Jesus Christ. After service at this church for 5 years as much growth and wisdom and healing and beauty and crazy spiritual experiences that are really hard to talk about with normies that was apart of my life because of this space... there was also a disconnect from the people around me. I always felt different. I didn’t always agree with what was said on stage from the pastors that would come and speak but everyone there treated everything they said as Gods, no questions... Jesus is the answer eat and drink what you want you just need your Bible and church and Jesus name and that’s it. Now... Jesus is the answer but it’s not his name that saves us but THE WAY that does... The Way has been what very few people are ever able to embody... why is that? During my time here my mom got cancer and this is a whole other blog post but it was through this time that I learned about yoga, I learned about nutrition and nourishing my body. As I am feeling closer and more connected with the Holy Spirit inside of me, healthy and fit in my body, closer with my beautiful girl squad of Middle School girls I was a youth leader of having deep discussions together on life and Jesus, and breathing, and embodiment how to apply Jesus teachings to real life issues that they were going through. Stretches to help with back pain or sleep and poses for strength and confidence in who they are... I get told that what I am doing and teaching is from Satan. That it is evil and against what the church and Jesus is about. I get told this from people I looked up to most at the church and I took these allegations to heart on deeper levels than I know how to express really.  

 How could something that had been helping me become closer to God, Christ, and one with my body... getting calls from the parents of my girls in gratitude for the light I was in their daughters lives they had seen a glow they hadn’t seen in a long time. It made no sense to me how yoga could be of Satan but I fasted from it and let go of it completely after this convo. and researched all angles of yoga to only fall more in love with it and inner knowings of how Jesus was a yogi too I fell into a deep depression unable to speak this truth. I am very intune to my spirit and where Christ was calling, but it was the opposite of what leaders at this church were saying. I had been in service at this church for 4 years at this point with Sunday school from the nursery to the 6-12 years olds to the middle school girls and the high school girls. I was a known leader and person to go to when shit needed to get done but more importantly whenever there was someone who wasn’t fitting in or having a break down it was me everyone looked to. It was I who would sit with them, love on them and remind them of their worth and beauty. But because I couldn’t fit into a box of innerstanding, it was clear I couldn’t be trusted as a leader by the other leaders, always undermining me treating me differently. I felt awkward maybe they could feel that... How can I lead if I have to lead how they want me to be if how they want me to be isn’t resonating with my spirit? Is there something wrong with me? Why can’t I ever fit in anywhere? Just be a good follower? You see... The Church mistakes being a follower of Christ with being a follower of Christianity. There is a difference. For Christianity is MAN made attempting to box Jesus teachings into a religion in which he came to break down the walls and barriers of, he came to teach us the Occult wisdom the Hierarchies of the church have kept from our knowledge, not all the teachings they chose to share in the Bible as they withheld Mary Magdalenes voice, the Divine Feminine who spent the most time with Jesus than any of the disciples, who Jesus treated as an EQUAL which made the disciples very jealous of her. For she innerstood Jesus teachings in deeper ways than the pride of men around her which is why she is silenced, why the lionesses operating in the Christ spirit within them are silenced for we can not be Tamed or innerstood by laws of man just as Jesus can not be tamed and innerstood in a religion for his spirit is ONLY found within. YOU are the church your BODY is the temple. Your Movement is worship your voice is the alter in which heaven gets to move through when it is connected to the Oneness of the Holy Spirit inside. I’ve seen it, felt it, lived it, breathed it, healed by it, healed others through it, vanquished demons, and seen MIRACLES that left me speechless in awe of how great our God is, I embody this as I am PASSIONATE about the love of Jesus because how this love has changed MY life not the love of men or women who decide for me who he is. 

This is always hard for me to talk or write about because I have so much love and appreciation for what this church did for me and the people there that helped me through some of the darkest times of my life.... This church served such a great purpose in my life. I still listen to the sermons from my favorite pastors who speak there as they light a fire in my heart to continue the fight for truth. The Church operating in the fullness of The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit is an unstoppable force which is why there is more spiritual warfare and deception that takes place there as well. Knowing when it is time to leave the church to follow Christ inside of your own Spirit is just as Christ like as knowing when it’s your time to serve and learn from them. The followers at the Church won’t innerstand this for Church and the acceptance of the people there has become their God. However the leaders there will get it for they innerstand it is their duty to raise disciples for Christ Jesus to go far and wide to spread the God news about who Jesus truly is and bringing this news to the darkest places in which he is needed most. If it weren’t for this church I would have fallen much deeper into the deception of The New Age Cult and Spiritual Matrix in which is thicker and much harder to break through for it is IMPOSSIBLE to do so without Christ. Period. The fact that Christ is so controversial in the spiritual community blows my mind. 🀯🀯🀯 Shows how THIIICCKKKK the Luciferian agenda is to those who are awakened to the spiritual realms. Its how I knew getting called by Christ to learn about the New Age that I was up against a bunch of darkness, why I was judged and still am judged by people in the church for being called to learn more about it. You see I have always had crazy wild dreams and spiritual experiences that church wasn’t answering, hearing people’s thoughts, having visions, premonitions, the ability to be a sound board for people to tell me there entire life stories the moment they meet me, and I knew the spiritual community had answers that the Religious indoctrination of Spirit wouldn’t give me. Learning about Shamanism, Starseeds, Indigo Children, my spirit animals, my spirit guides and teachers, learning how to journey and expand my gift of frequencies all of this has lead me closer to God and firmer in my faith in Christ and innerstanding of why I have always been so different. It also has lead me down really dark paths and lessons that I am still in the process of alchemizing and transforming to light. I know that I make Christians very uncomfortable... Just as I make the New Agers very uncomfortable... Wait... you can be a multidimensional being knowing you are one with all of Creation, that the Universe has powers to serve in our favor just as it has entities that have come to destroy all that is love and truth and still believe that Jesus is the king of all kings and lord of all lords in every dimension who has ALREADY saved us all and continues to do so everyday through the living embodiment of the SAME spirit that rose him from the grave inside each one of us? πŸ˜œπŸ‘½πŸ––πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ Just because I left the church does not mean I left Jesus... after everything I have experienced and gone through in the spiritual realms and religion I believe more than ever in who Jesus is not being a Christian or New ager πŸ˜…πŸ€·πŸ»‍♀️ It’s funny to me how the spiritual community is ok to operate in his consciousness but how dare we talk about the actual person who lived and breathed this consciousness every single moment without falter. The ONLY hue-man to die in place of evil as someone completely pure without a moment of disconnection from God, the ONLY one to battle through the gates of hell and take the keys as he rose again to conquer it all for us. No other guru or spiritual master has or will ever do this for it is already done by Jesus/Yeshua. It is not just Christ Consciousness within you but truly innerstanding who the living hue-man physical manifestation of this Consciousness is. Church taught me so much about him but it is limited and those who blindly follow the church and pastors as Gods are not going to see the missing pieces.... For if there is nothing missing then how come nobody in your church is walking on water? Raising people from the dead? Casting out demons and healing the sick? ✨ “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” ✨John 14:12✨ The Bible shares a lot of Jesus teachings and despite the distortion from the hands of man, scripture that has been hidden from us, when you are reading the Bible with Christ’s Spirit within you there is power and authority there. Because Jesus is there. But Jesus is the Spirit that he left inside of you! What has been removed and hidden from you by the same people who are using the church for the fallen agenda keeping everyone in a state of division. In Judgement. In fear. Or for those brainwashed by the Galactic Council in roller coasters of emotions from extreme bliss to low lows while your “vibrations lift you to 5D”... giiirrrllll you realize the spiritual warfare we are up against is in the 5D realms riiighttt? πŸ€”⚔️πŸ”₯

The reason why Christ called me to dive deep into the New Age community was to uncover deeper into the Occult Knowledge that is being kept from us ESPECIALLY Christians. Occult doesn’t mean evil... it means HIDDEN. Keeping this wisdom in the hands of those operating in ego and for the fallen agendas to INVERT what it means to 

L I V E.... 

E V I L.... is how the darkness continues to get its power. Keeping the lovers of Christ believing all symbols are evil, so we do not flip them rightsize up, crystals are for witches so we are fearful of Gaia and stay disconnected from her power, Sage summons demons so you don't learn how much demons hate it, herbs are witch craft so you continue to use pharmaceutical poison, earthing is for hippies so you disconnect yourself from the wisdom and codes our creator placed there in which your feet absorb the frequencies of, sun and moon is evil so you don't gaze at the sun for the healing benefits and claim your power from the moon for the kingdom of heaven in which Satanists are using to claim the power for darkness, yoga is worshiping Satan so you keep spirit disconnected from your body (temple) so that you can never fully operate in wholeness and health, I can go on and on of fear programming around religion to keep us from this Occult wisdom, from nourishing our vessels, tuning into Mother Gaia and uncovering the depths of our soul, taking the occult knowledge that has been inverted and using it for Highest truth insteadπŸ”₯ Innerstanding the multidimensional being you truly are, how many lifetimes you have had, how much power and authority our incredible God has given us to be able to walk on water and raise people from the dead with just faith of a mustard seed. Until you innerstand your oneness to Creation and all that’s around us you won’t be able to fully operate in the way of Christ. This doesn’t happen in church. This doesn’t happen ascending to a different realm. This doesn’t happen anywhere else but inside yourself.. here and now... in this moment... as you inhale through your nose and feel that breath filling up inside of your body and exhale through your mouth as you let go of all the thoughts, beliefs, labels, troubles and worry’s and just be.... be here..... if this resonates with your spirit affirm “Spirit I let go of everything I think I know. I let go of all that is not serving the highest truth of all, I ask Jesus to come into my heart and show me who he is for myself outside of what anyone else’s opinions are, I ask all religious programs and new age deceptions and lies that are separating me from operating in Christ’s spirit to be revealed to me so that I can step into my full divinity in service of the most high God. I pray for an open heart with discernment in love and dedication to the truth not what I wish to be true. I thank you Allah for this life and breath I have to be in service of this love and be the change that I wish to see to the world around me regardless of the storms and mountains I face which only fuel my fire and passion stronger to RISE in my righteous power and might to slay all that have come to destroy what you our mighty God has given me authority over.”πŸ”₯⚔️

The Chosen Few are followers of the True King Christ Jesus. And will never renounce his name πŸ”₯⚔️✨

We are not here to be liked.

We are not here to consent to the laws, rules, and expectations of men that have been raised in deception, lies, lust, greed indoctrination and pride 

We are not here to claim any religion or label but destroy them all as we allow the Unconditional Love of our God who has already won and defeated the evil we are up against rage in our hearts for Truth and Justice for the kingdom of heaven. As we shine our bright ass lights For Gaia and for our Children. ✨πŸ”₯⚔️

“And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:

Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17 20-21

Sunday, August 8, 2021

 This post may trigger some people 🀷🏻‍♀️ I have been wanting to write about this for a while but needed time to let these truths marinate within me. I only speak from my own personal experiences in this spiritual warfare as I have been breaking down these paradigms and labels we have created to attempt to box in the unboxable. Every system us humans have created is tainted with falsified half truths to keep us from truly embodying the living Christ spirit within us. One of these half truths is Duality. When waking up to the darkness of this world Duality programming of the Spiritual Matrix was the first one I went through. My one and only experience with the Arcturian Council came to me telling me the lessons humanity needed to ascend was found in Duality.  Followed by so many synchronicities of our collective sharing about duality and how we need to strive for Neutrality... Because I received this message from another entity outside of my own spirit and direct Source I have been questioning all angles of Duality and something was off to me. You see... Duality only exists because of the Evil that has CHOSEN to disconnect itself from the eternal energy of Direct Source Truth. The New Age Cult wants you to believe that this evil is apart of you. That when you become one with the evil inside and love the demons that have come to enslave humanity that you are “vibrating higher” that staying Neutral towards the crimes against humanity as children are being stolen, tortured, raped, and ritually sacrificed so that this evil can continue to leech off of organic creation is how we “ascend into the 5D realms” 

Duality is here because evil is. 

We did not come here to stay Neutral as our brothers and sisters are unknowingly being drained from their life force energy enslaving them into a fallen system disconnected from the one true God of Unconditional Love and ever flowing abundance of all things imaginable.. We cannot claim our own sovereignty and power to rise up in RIGHTEOUSNESS and BRAVERY to FIGHT for our FREEDOMS that are being brainwashed away from the masses when those of us who KNOW believe they don’t need to speak up about it for they are “above it all” because “Duality is something YOU create” “good and evil is apart of the system of separation energy it is our job to stay neutral” πŸ˜‘

Yes it is apart of separation energy but this energy you feel is not of Source... evil is not of God. Period. It is not apart of you. Where truth comes to play in duality is these fractured parts of your soul (your shadows) the parts of you that have been impacted from the demons and entities serving this fallen system... These parts of you are not evil but need our love, attention and forgiveness. Need not our judgement or condemnation for we are not sin or sinful as religious programming has led us to believe for it is sin and sinful deeds that have been done to us. Duality is here to show us evil not to judge and belittle those around us who are being impacted from the evils of this world this fact alone fills our hearts with empathy and love to be able to operate in our full divinity for we ALL have programming to deconstruct and work on WITHIN ourselves and duality is here to show us where our passion and fire is needed to light up TRUTH for what it is but with an OPEN heart to let go of all you think you believe and be open to the perspectives of those who are uncovering these programs within themselves too. If you are not getting triggered then you are not in your growth journey. If you are not letting go of belief systems and questioning every label and “spiritual teaching” that is presented to you from the space of the Spirit within you rooted in Unconditional Love for HIGHEST Source truth and not the ego who seeks to be right no matter what the cost. Being spiritual doesn’t make you above the 3D concepts of this world... Can you bleed? Then you too are just as much 3D as you are 5D and on the contrary being a spiritual being your programming is much thicker making you believe that you are Gods of ALL giving your ego a badge of honor to do whatever you want realizing you create your own reality. We ARE the Gods and Goddesses of Gaia SERVING a God much GREATER than us all who CREATED EVERYTHING that was GIVEN to us to reign over.  For even the Bible tells us not to serve other Gods... Why would it say that if we weren’t Gods? Neutrality brings us to this space of oneness but it doesn’t bring you to the truth that this force that makes you a God is the force that was created from the One true God and that there are forces in play trying to destroy all that the One true God created. We are not above or below anyone we are all pieces of the whole but born into a fallen system preventing us from seeing our wholeness of who God is and the true evil we are up against which is why Yeshua came to earth, to show us how to be and this “Christ Consciousness” though all of us are made up of this consciousness he was the first, the way maker, the truth and the light in how we are to embody this same spirit within us. Jesus is not a religion he is the WAY. There is no other way. This way is not found in your Bible, in your church, in your spiritual gurus.. this way is found through the Holy Spirit INSIDE of yourself. Spirituality is not for us to ascend out of our human bodies, for us to wear Neutrality as a sparkley cloak to cover up the evils of this world as something that is apart of you. You have come here to light up the programming not just of this world but of the spiritual WARFARE that has come to deceive, kill, and destroy all that is of Highest truth of Unconditional love and as Angels and Starseeds of the Most high it is our job to put on our armor of God and call out EVIL for what it IS. For there will be NO peace until the Master of Darkness and all those harming our most innocent and Mother Gaia are DEFEATED. This is NOTHING to stay neutral about... Dracarys Warriors πŸ”₯⚔️ Winter is here and this is nothing our flames can’t handle πŸ”₯⚔️