Friday, June 18, 2021

Growing up I always wanted a "Best friend" like that 1 bestie you see in movies. I would go through seasons of having a really close friend I would spend the majority of my time with for a season but I love meeting people. Its my gift to each soul I meet is my presence and I know this. With being such a free spirit and being in the moment I am a lot harder to reach sometimes virtually, I am not good at keeping up with texting or with special dates as I don't even know what today is now! but really though I don't.. I just had to look at my phone to see πŸ˜‚ TGIF everyone! πŸ˜… I am a healer and traveler called on a big purposeful mission for humanity to anchor in heaven on earth... You say this to most people and they think I'm cray cray🀷🏻‍♀️πŸ˜‚ I have an abundance of love to give in my heart and anyone who is meant to have my time and energy will align where my spirit is at. I will sacrifice it no longer to appease anyones ego. I am not that friend who can be your everyday energy drain because you know I will fill your cup... How often are you filling mine? My cup is full when you stand in your power and own your shit. Use the energy of love and life I am pouring into you and fucking do something with it for your highest purpose whatever that looks like for you. The moments of energy I share with everyone I meet are absolutely sacred and they know it. Thats why I have to put boundaries up. Speak my truths and not be made to feel guilty over not being who someone else "needs" me to be. I don't fit in a box of anyones understanding I have learned this even with my best friends growing up and people I love most it is evident I am my own breed 🀷🏻‍♀️ It wasn't until I began my Shamanic practices, went through the dark night of the soul, and began to speak my truths and stop sacrificing my spirit to make everyone around me feel good that I began to meet my lone wolves out there that like me who don't fit into this world for we have been called out of it. My love has been so misunderstood in this programed world my whole life. I love to give I love to tell you that you are beautiful and that there is nothing that you can't do. I love to smile and look you in the eyes, let you know I see you. Underneath all your baggage, underneath all your trauma, underneath all your fears... I see you.. I see love. I expect nothing nor want anything in return other than for you to take that love and let it grow.

I have spent my whole life vibrating on these deep waves of unconditional love so much differently than the souls around me. I have an energy that people crave. To say that in our society today would mean I am conceited as we have belittled our power for so long seeing others own theirs is intimidating to those who give their power away and suck dry the energy of souls who are like me in order to replenish the energy lost. People like me naturally with love and grace put on the lenses of perspective of every soul we meet. We feel their pain, we seek to innerstand why they believe what they believe without ever compromising our spirit but allowing those perspectives to question our own selves to seek truth and love through it all. We lay down our egos whenever asked to. We care deeply about the souls and world around us and want everyone who encounters us to feel loved, heard and seen. If we are not aware we will pour every ounce of energy we have into every single soul that comes our way whether they are truly worthy of our sacred energy or not as boundaries are not something that comes naturally for they are earned and worked for through time and time again getting sucked dry from the energy vampires of the world that see our light and abuse it. Each one is our teacher. Where the world gets stuck in the same repetitive cycles.. same toxic relationships, same drama, same job they hate working for the system, same fears, same excuses, same sicknesses, same same same πŸ˜‘ We have the opportunity to learn lessons from each soul we meet so that when another teacher comes around with that same lesson and given the choice to either recognize the lessons learned or choosing to relive those lessons again we are able to recognize and move forward on our growth journey. Because society and programming have the majority of humans on a loop this makes it really hard to have long lasting friendships for part of growth is learning my worth. Part of growth is owning and demanding respect for who πŸ‘ am and the energy I bring into a space. Part of growth is knowing when to let go of all that is no longer serving me and choosing to love certain people from afar knowing that they are no longer in alignment with the energy I am choosing to operate in. Part of growth is knowing that my happiness is mine alone no one else has that and it is also not my responsibility to be in charge of anyone else's happiness. For my soul isn't bound by boundaries or expectations from anyone around me regardless if they are the ones I love most in this world or haters. If I have to be or do anything in order for you to be happy or love me then that is not love that is control. 

Friendships are not about how much time is spent together, how much time is spent texting while not together, how much time is spent apart, whether they are wearing the same outfit you are or say all the same things you do, its not whether they remembered to call you on your birthday or not, how often they make you feel good. True friendship is about making the most of every moment spent together allowing a safe space to be seen, heard and felt without needing to be right or share the same opinions as each other but honoring and respecting each others individual journeys while speaking your truths from heart space and listening to the others truths from a space of seeking to innerstand. Its about innerstanding every soul has their YOUnique callings and gifts to offer this world we can not claim anyone we can only love and own our own energy that we bring into the space not rely on anyone else to be something for you. Friendship is 2 whole souls sharing love together without expecting anything in return and both leaving that encounter more full than before. This bond is outside of time and space and has no need for labels or rules it flows with the divine water of our eternal sources unconditional love that allows each soul to be free to be πŸ™πŸΌ✨

To be my friend and earn the right to my sacred energy the love in your heart needs to be flowing with mine otherwise you'll get caught in my wake for πŸ‘ Know my worth now. πŸ‘ don't have time to waste on souls who need me to be what they can't be for themselves. I flow with the waves of the ocean not serving the egos of anyone but the One true eternal source of us all that is living and breathing inside of me and I am always here to remind you of your power to do the same. Always here to lead you back to you because that's what a true healer does. For only YOU can heal you. I am just your guide ❤️✨πŸ™πŸΌ 

"Love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor." ✨Romans 12:10✨

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