Sunday, August 8, 2021

 This post may trigger some people 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have been wanting to write about this for a while but needed time to let these truths marinate within me. I only speak from my own personal experiences in this spiritual warfare as I have been breaking down these paradigms and labels we have created to attempt to box in the unboxable. Every system us humans have created is tainted with falsified half truths to keep us from truly embodying the living Christ spirit within us. One of these half truths is Duality. When waking up to the darkness of this world Duality programming of the Spiritual Matrix was the first one I went through. My one and only experience with the Arcturian Council came to me telling me the lessons humanity needed to ascend was found in Duality.  Followed by so many synchronicities of our collective sharing about duality and how we need to strive for Neutrality... Because I received this message from another entity outside of my own spirit and direct Source I have been questioning all angles of Duality and something was off to me. You see... Duality only exists because of the Evil that has CHOSEN to disconnect itself from the eternal energy of Direct Source Truth. The New Age Cult wants you to believe that this evil is apart of you. That when you become one with the evil inside and love the demons that have come to enslave humanity that you are “vibrating higher” that staying Neutral towards the crimes against humanity as children are being stolen, tortured, raped, and ritually sacrificed so that this evil can continue to leech off of organic creation is how we “ascend into the 5D realms” 

Duality is here because evil is. 

We did not come here to stay Neutral as our brothers and sisters are unknowingly being drained from their life force energy enslaving them into a fallen system disconnected from the one true God of Unconditional Love and ever flowing abundance of all things imaginable.. We cannot claim our own sovereignty and power to rise up in RIGHTEOUSNESS and BRAVERY to FIGHT for our FREEDOMS that are being brainwashed away from the masses when those of us who KNOW believe they don’t need to speak up about it for they are “above it all” because “Duality is something YOU create” “good and evil is apart of the system of separation energy it is our job to stay neutral” 😑

Yes it is apart of separation energy but this energy you feel is not of Source... evil is not of God. Period. It is not apart of you. Where truth comes to play in duality is these fractured parts of your soul (your shadows) the parts of you that have been impacted from the demons and entities serving this fallen system... These parts of you are not evil but need our love, attention and forgiveness. Need not our judgement or condemnation for we are not sin or sinful as religious programming has led us to believe for it is sin and sinful deeds that have been done to us. Duality is here to show us evil not to judge and belittle those around us who are being impacted from the evils of this world this fact alone fills our hearts with empathy and love to be able to operate in our full divinity for we ALL have programming to deconstruct and work on WITHIN ourselves and duality is here to show us where our passion and fire is needed to light up TRUTH for what it is but with an OPEN heart to let go of all you think you believe and be open to the perspectives of those who are uncovering these programs within themselves too. If you are not getting triggered then you are not in your growth journey. If you are not letting go of belief systems and questioning every label and “spiritual teaching” that is presented to you from the space of the Spirit within you rooted in Unconditional Love for HIGHEST Source truth and not the ego who seeks to be right no matter what the cost. Being spiritual doesn’t make you above the 3D concepts of this world... Can you bleed? Then you too are just as much 3D as you are 5D and on the contrary being a spiritual being your programming is much thicker making you believe that you are Gods of ALL giving your ego a badge of honor to do whatever you want realizing you create your own reality. We ARE the Gods and Goddesses of Gaia SERVING a God much GREATER than us all who CREATED EVERYTHING that was GIVEN to us to reign over.  For even the Bible tells us not to serve other Gods... Why would it say that if we weren’t Gods? Neutrality brings us to this space of oneness but it doesn’t bring you to the truth that this force that makes you a God is the force that was created from the One true God and that there are forces in play trying to destroy all that the One true God created. We are not above or below anyone we are all pieces of the whole but born into a fallen system preventing us from seeing our wholeness of who God is and the true evil we are up against which is why Yeshua came to earth, to show us how to be and this “Christ Consciousness” though all of us are made up of this consciousness he was the first, the way maker, the truth and the light in how we are to embody this same spirit within us. Jesus is not a religion he is the WAY. There is no other way. This way is not found in your Bible, in your church, in your spiritual gurus.. this way is found through the Holy Spirit INSIDE of yourself. Spirituality is not for us to ascend out of our human bodies, for us to wear Neutrality as a sparkley cloak to cover up the evils of this world as something that is apart of you. You have come here to light up the programming not just of this world but of the spiritual WARFARE that has come to deceive, kill, and destroy all that is of Highest truth of Unconditional love and as Angels and Starseeds of the Most high it is our job to put on our armor of God and call out EVIL for what it IS. For there will be NO peace until the Master of Darkness and all those harming our most innocent and Mother Gaia are DEFEATED. This is NOTHING to stay neutral about... Dracarys Warriors 🔥⚔️ Winter is here and this is nothing our flames can’t handle 🔥⚔️

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