Monday, May 31, 2021

 I have always been judged for the fact I am always changing... 

"We shall see how long this phase lasts" they say.

In reality it is them I feel sorry for.

Living the same life, same job, same beliefs, same bullshit drama and excuses everyday as I choose to heal through each phase and grow past the limitations and expectations that keep them hostage.

I have done it all, from hostessing to waitressing, to being a nanny, starting a daycare, then became a solar rep as I interned for a church I was involved with as I got a year degree in bible college and oversaw the junior high girls as their youth leader, served in Sunday school and kids worship team for 6 years, became a health and fitness coach, lead yoga challenges and have worked with multiple companies as an IG influencer, traveled the world, met my husband across the world from me, moved across country, discovered Shamanism, went through the dark night of the soul where I discovered the unknown depths of deception and evil we are up against in the Physical and Spiritual realms to finally realizing why it was that I never fit in to this world... because I was never meant to fit in to a broken, uneducated, ignorant, lustful society.

Every job, service, and circumstance that I went through... that I go through today... I know is my teacher. I know I am here to learn my lessons and move on to the next one not just stay in a shitty situation because it once served me or "its the right thing to do"... Not just settle for what those around me deem as truth and acceptable as I people please my way to feeling dead inside but instead am always questioning everything and everyone. Where most allow their spirit to die inside as they live their lives serving someone else's dreams my spirit is a still small voice until it starts SCREAMING at me if I try to silence it. To those blinded by this false reality we are in, keeping you from evolving into your true human potential I can see how seeing someone going through so many changes may seem absurd in a world so stagnant. 

Shit now I am about to move onto a sailboat and sail the world to find land where I will create a holistic, self sustainable sanctuary for myself and my soul family who are called to this mission too... Sounds pretty fuckin crazy even to me πŸ˜…πŸ€ͺ and I am the crazy queen πŸ‘‘  Its these crazy things my spirit tells me that I accept as my truth and I will go to battle for until my spirit tells me otherwise and this is why I have accomplished all I have accomplished so far, why I go through "phases" and will continue to rise to everything along my path no matter how hard it gets for I know that absolutely nothing formed against me shall prosper πŸ”₯

How long will this phase last? IDK 🀷🏻‍♀️ as long as it takes or until my spirit calls me else whereπŸ™πŸΌ For I am not in service to mortals but to the God of all creation who has called me out of this world to journey into the depths of my soul very few are ever brave enough to travel, for gossip and judging others instead of taking ownership for your own life as you continue to repeat the same cycles over and over again is much easier πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ 

Nothing is going to change unless you make it. Period. 

It is not the worlds job to pity your ass for choosing to play victim to your circumstances when it is those same circumstances that would make you a victor should you choose to rise in your power and claim it. I get a little firey on this because I am sick of people throwing away their power for handouts as they judge those of us who refuse to be controlled into a system that is on an endless loop of nonsense. 

The choice is ours... We either grow or we don't... There are consequences to both. However only one has an eternal award at the end... Choose wisely πŸ™πŸΌπŸ”₯

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” John 14:26 

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