Tuesday, July 6, 2021

 Through the words of our testimony we shall set the world free. our testimonies are the most powerful tools for healing and miracles we have, for if we are to have faith of a mustard seed we can move mountains and there is no faith like the faith that comes from having your own personal encounters from the teachers and lessons brought to you along your path that connect you to your wholeness with the source inside of yourself. I see so much regurgitating in the spiritual community repeating each others truths and claiming truths as our own because some high up spiritual influencer said it.

Well they talk to aliens so it must be truth right? 🤔

Have you talked with these aliens? Have you sat with those truths within your own spirit? How do these truths relate to your own experiences and circumstances you are or have gone through in your own life? 

Every post I make I am talking to myself. I am always speaking from my own personal perspectives from how I see the world from the lessons and teachers that have aligned themselves on my journey that have brought me to where and who I am today.

Nobody can tell me that Spirit doesn't exist for I embody the spirit everyday. Nobody can tell me that the Master of Darkness doesn't exist for I have kicked open the gates of hell and battled him and his legion myself. Nobody can tell me that I am not capable of doing the impossible for I have made the impossible my reality. I will not falter or waiver in my truths when they don't add up to someone else's because from my own personal experience with what I have seen, felt, tasted, touched, and heard with my physical, emotional and spiritual body has given me all the faith I need to stand firm in my divine fire and speak my truths with love and authority with not a care in the world of what anyone else around me thinks, for I do not serve the hearts of man but the highest eternal source of us all.

I have seen a lot. Stuff that is hard to talk about to normies as I would be looked at like a crazy person to share the depth of spiritual warfare I have battled as a lightworker for the kingdom. I have witnessed a lot when it comes to the spiritual wickedness as well as the miracles that move through souls operating in eternal Source energy with the agape Christ spirit inside of them. From witnessing and slaying demons myself. not only within my own soul but on many and multiple occasions watching souls come to me for healing not necessarily believing in demons by the end of my prayers with them they be shaking, screaming, and convulsing on the floor as I had to call out the demons, strongholds and spells casted upon them. To having visions that come true in my own life or I am given a vision told by spirit to give to another soul that left them in tears of the divine synchronicities that moved through my frequencies. I have so many testimonies of spirit moving in miraculous ways in my life and it is through these experiences in which my spirit speaks from, not what she said or what he did... but through my own revelations that are completely authentic to ME.

I have many testimonies I can share and do share when I am called and right now I want to share with you my testimony when I knew I was called to be a healer. I didn't know the extent in which my healing gifts would continue to flow in my life and how deep down the darkness this healing journey would call me on once I knew I had this calling but it all started back when I had found this church when I was living in San Diego that operated in Spirit. Now I had gone to church my whole life and I had NEVER been to a church like this. How the spirit moves in that space is where I have seen much of the spiritual warfare I mention. I at the time had Celiac disease and for those who don't know what that is think of Gluten Intolerance to the extreme, like I couldn't even touch a piece of bread without breaking out in hives. The Pastor talked about a healer who was to come to our church and bring miraculous healing with him. I was still super new to the whole spirit thing and was super skeptical of anyone claiming to be a healer. I go to the service and sit in the back row so I can see everything as the observer. The man who came to speak is named Andrew Kubala who starts by sharing his testimony.

He had gotten diagnosed with leukemia and after rolling into a coma at 65lbs the doctors told his family his chances of survival were slim to none and they should think about pulling the plug. In the coma he said he had a vision of angels pouring oil over his body and they said that he was called to be a vessel for miraculous healing around the world. He woke up from that coma as if he had never had cancer. The doctors ran tests to figure out what happened and nothing made any sense at all. He was just a living miracle. Who now travels the world as God moves through him to heal anyone with their hearts open to receive the healing frequencies gifted through his unwavering faith due to his own personal experiences. During this service I watched him pray over several souls. I kid you not I watched him pray for a woman's  leg to grow that was an inch shorter than her other leg and it did 😳 I am overwhelmed with seeing all these miracles as he says anyone who needs healing come to the alter to receive it. I am sitting in the back row stuck in my thoughts... Its just an allergy really... I can't touch or eat bread so what.. this woman needed her leg to grow my needs aren't that important I'll let others who really need his healing get prayed for. As I am thinking these thoughts he says into the mic " There is a woman in the back row who has some sort of Gluten allergy who doesn't believe she is worthy of this healing in her life... you are worthy" 

well fuuuckkkk 😅😳

If Imma be called out like that do I really have a choice but to stand up and go to the alter?

I get up to the alter he lays his hands on my forehead and all he says is 'in the name of christ you are healed'

Next thing I know I am on the floor 😅

My body is shaking and it feels as though I am Harry Potter when the dementors were sucking out his soul but not my soul being sucked out the disease that was in my body if that makes any sense... I don't know how long my body was shaking on the ground before I then burst into laughter and then just lay there in pure bliss of stillness as the worship music and the world around me faded into nothingness before coming back into my body and sitting up... Opening my eyes to this new sight. WOW everything is so beautiful I thought. My eyes could see color deeper, my ears could hear the music clearer it was this all knowing force of faith that KNEW I was healed in that moment. I came home from this experience ran to my mom and was like MA! I AM HEALED!!!! She thought I was fuckin crazy I will be honest and made me take a blood test before having any gluten to be 100% sure

Went and got the test...

😏 you already know what Imma say next.

This experience has molded and shaped me and my faith in deeper ways than any perspectives or posts against the power of miraculous healing because I have lived it. felt it, breathed it and owned this experience within my whole being. Right after I got my blood test back I went and got Jehovah Rapha tattooed on my wrist as to never forget my purpose to this world and how I was to share these frequencies of healing with every soul I meet. This was just the beginning of so many more crazy experiences. My frequencies of healing are as strong as they are from each experience like this that has helped build my faith in our God who is so much greater than any disease, thought, fear or doubt that has come to enslave us. For when I say nothing formed against me shall prosper I mean it and Satan quivers in fear of my firey truths for I do not back down or submit myself to the opinions or thoughts of those around me trying to diminish what has already been shown to me in my spirit. For it was the words of Andrews testimony that opened my heart to receiving the healing love from his heart just as its the words of my testimony that has the ability to open up your heart to receiving my love and healing frequencies. For when we speak from our own personal experiences, from where we are at NOW in our journey and not who we are pretending to be or who a spiritual guru says this is how it is... Live it, breathe it, be it, own it... Do YOU boo boo and speak from that space of unwavering knowing for it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. the souls who are meant to be apart of your life and receive your love and wisdom as they accept you for you will authentically show up as you continue to be authentic to YOU. Stop saying what you think they want to hear and start speaking from your own personal experiences in the name of love and there is absolutely nothing no one can do to take away what is already yours ❤️🙏🏼✨

"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death."  ✨Revelation 12:11✨

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