Tuesday, July 27, 2021

 Sexual programming in my humble opinion is the thickest programming of all. We are now in a time where society has made sex an obligation and expectation when meeting someone you are physically attracted to. It has separated us brothers and sisters from the love, lessons and blessings we have to offer each other through our BeYOUtiful lights and authentic wisdom our souls individually carry that have been silenced through lust and temporary pleasures being at the forefront of our thoughts in every relationship we make. 

I am passionate about lighting up this sex programming for many reasons. For starters my curvy body and physical beauty trigger this programming in every soul I meet. Whether it is judgement from assumptions that my boobs are fake (always makes me laugh if you know me you know I wish my boobs were small and have been a huge part of learning self love on my journey) or thinking I am a freak in the sheets because I am flexible and unafraid to move my body how it sensually feels good to me so it must mean that I am DTF with any dick that comes my way 😑🤦🏻‍♀️ This society blows my mind how physically obsessed we are with these avatars we are operating that it is all most people see. I am passionate about this because I have had so much wisdom within me on this topic my whole life but was never taken seriously because I was waiting to get married before I had sex. Didn’t see that one coming did you? This decision to remain a virgin while all my other friends were having sex and going through dark shit in their lives because of the unawareness of what truly sex is was a test of significant faith on my part and being made fun of, belittled and talked down to because of my choice not to sleep around. “You don’t know and won’t know anything about sex until you have it” My choice to save myself had nothing to do with the religious programming I was under. It was a deeeeeeeeep inner knowing from the thousands of past lives that never left me of how POWERFUL sex is. When 2 souls are combined like that they become one. It is the most spiritual experience we can have in these physical bodies as our souls are tied together and the energy between the 2 are transferred. Yes there is the love, light, power, euphoria, pleasure and angels that are shared… but there is also the trauma, ancestral wounds, baggage, demons, entities, sickness, negative thinking, habitual patterns, and ALL that reside in the soul you are connected with that are being transferred into your being. Whether you choose to believe in this truth or not every person you have sex with you have shared the most POWERFUL energy exchange that you can possibly  share as a human and to think there aren’t repercussions to this… To think there is such thing as “Casual Sex” because you decide to operate in ego while doing it for pleasures sake doesnt mean you won’t pay the spiritual consequences of it. This wisdom is the same wisdom I had as a virgin as I have today. I didnt want to transfer my sacred energy with just anyone because they have a pretty face, say all the right things, because society says I should, because my friends are doing it, because the boy I like wants it, because “you will never keep a relationship if you don’t do it” I have heard it all and all from those who I watched crumble from the battles of choosing to walk this path.

A lot of the battles people are facing within themselves today aren’t their own ancestral wounds or demons but the wounds and demons from the one night stand or toxic relationship that was transferred to them. I know people who never struggled with suicidal thoughts then after having sex with someone all of a sudden suicidal thoughts become their reality and they can’t figure out why…. Sex is not to be belittled or dumbed down to lustful desires for the consequences are greater than most will ever admit in a fallen system that thrives on WAP and glorifying sexual deviancy to keep men brainwashed by pussy and women harvesting their sexual power for evil. SO that these energy transfers of serious spiritual warfare can continue to infect the masses under Jezebels spell.

Today to be friends with someone of the opposite sex, or same sex that you are attracted to and being connected to them on all levels outside of sexuality is taboo… Why? WHYYYY?? Do you ask yourself this? 

How much time have you spent getting to know this person? What brings them joy? What are their struggles? What traumas have they gone through? Are they living a life that resonates with you? How much time have you spent with their inner child? How much time have they spent with your inner child? Do they seek to get to know who you are outside of the ego persona you have made for yourself? What are the battles they are facing? How do you feel when you are in their presence? What are your conversations about? Does this person bring out the best in you?What has this soul taught you on your journey?

Physically we are going to be attracted to MANY people as there are an abundance of beautiful people in the world, have you seen us starseeds and light workers? Some of the most beautiful people I have ever seen on all levels and an attraction towards each other that our past lives let us know how deeply connected we are and those who don’t innerstand this are triggered in the sexual programming of this world of attraction means sexual action. Just because there is an attraction towards someone doesn’t mean we are meant to have sex with them. We are attracted to people for many different reasons and each reason holds a valuable lesson for our own self love and growth journey as each soul we meet is a reflection of ourselves. When you find yourself attracted to someone instead of assuming this attraction is for sexual reasons let the idea of ever having sex with them completely die. Don’t go into the conversation to woo them over but to get to know who they are and why spirit has brought them into your life as you authentically share your own light. I refuse to beLIEve that men and women can’t be friends without lustful desires.. I refuse to beLIEve that we are incapable of creating deep beautiful bonds outside of the bedroom. You are not your impulsive thoughts and you can train yourself to have sex be the LAST thing you offer in a connection and ONLY when you BOTH fully realize the energy transfer you are about to partake in. This isn’t only what is about to be imparted to you but what YOU are about to impart to them. Are you healed in your own body and soul to take on this responsibility or are you about to transfer your trauma, insecurities and childhood wounds to this person? 

Its time we stop operating from our sexual programming and into our Sacred Sovereignty to love each other from the space of Agape, not lust, to see each other outside of the ego identities we have created for ourselves but the Christ Spirit within us all and through this space be lead to where our sexual energy transfer will heal the world, not create more suffering 🙏🏼✨❤️

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