Sunday, September 19, 2021

 Satan and the Luciferian timelines read the Bible to glorify Satan... Does that make the Bible evil? Satan and the Luciferian timelines use sex to glorify Satan does that make sex evil? Satan and the Luciferian timelines listen and perform music to glorify Satan does that make music evil? Satan and the Luciferian timelines use gold and money to glorify Satan does that make gold and money evil? Satan and the Luciferian timelines use social media to glorify Satan does that make social media evil? Satan and the Luciferian timelines meditate to glorify Satan does that make meditation evil? Satan and the Luciferian timelines do yoga to glorify Satan does that make yoga evil? 

Its not the tools that are evil. It’s the hands that are using them that decide who these tools are used for and in a world that belongs to Lucifer, if you are not mindfully choosing God then you are subconsciously serving deception. 

The head of the Satan church says he absolutely LOVES to go to all the churches with a great worship team for they use the same frequencies to glorify Satan. 

Did you know this? 

I dont know if many of you truly innerstand the grand scale of deception we are up against.

The enemy that has been savaging earth for decades keeping hue-manity in repeatitive cycles into the fallen matrix of Luciferian timelines.

I am seeing a lot of people coming out of the New Age programming and proclaiming that every single thing that the spiritual community teaches is evil and denying the God that’s inside of them and turning ONLY to the hueman physical embodiment of our Creator in Jesus. 


I will NEVER say turning to Jesus is wrong for he is the King of all Kings, Lord of all Lords, our Savior and embodiment of our Creator in the flesh πŸ’― It is he and only he that will guide us home out of this mess for he is the only one to have never fallen short of the Glory of God and defeated hell and the grave to rise again fulfilling every ancient prophecy of Gods Truths for this is why you can lean on him, allow him to fill you with his grace and love like no other being can possibly give and I have met MANY but part of being a follower of Jesus IS embracing the God within us... the Holy Spirit.. the SAME spirit that rose him from the grave is literally inside of us. I innerstand why when leaving the NA there is a process of letting every single thing you beLIEved die so that Jesus may resurrect what is in his name because many of the teachings in the new age really are false Light, very inverted and ultimately limiting in our connection to Source for its worship of Self and of Creation while rejection of Gods Word. But self and creation are not evil. We are Gods creation and he loved us so much he went to hell and back to bring us home back to him πŸ’―πŸ™πŸΌ We alone are not worthy... does that trigger you when I say that? It triggers me so you aren’t alone... but we are not for the LORD has given us Free Will to CHOOSE whether or not to pursue a connection and a relationship with him and with that free will comes disconnecting, separateness from The Light of God. Just like you have boundaries in your life as to who you will allow in your inner circle so does or God. He has boundaries. He will not tolerate anyone who will deny Jesus Christ as Lord of all Lords. In doing so holding faith in his word. THAT is what is worthy of praise when we are reflecting his Glory and giving the same love that Jesus bestowed upon us towards all Creation. We just are not meant to be worshipping or seeking for anything outside of our Father in Heaven who deserves ALL glory and we can not go to the father except through Jesus why our worship to him is to the one true God. We were created TO worship. 

Worship is encoded in our DNA and if we are not worshiping the one true God then you are worshiping idols in your life, whether these idols be yourself, other Gods and Goddesses, celebrities, your job, your family... all of it can be used to separate you from our Source when you are not intentionally reaching out to worship HIM. Put him FIRST in your life. Jesus talks clearly about the NA deception and he does say very clearly what is not of him and it is very triggering for a lot of people deep into the spiritual community myself included had to check myself and realize the importance of a pure direct connection to Source and I will be doing a blog post going deeper into the New Age deception. This post is more on the programming in the Christian church that is preventing followers of Jesus from stepping fully into the power of the Holy Spirit in which Jesus left within you.

This love for God is meant to be brought to ourselves and to all of Creation for we are all connected and created by the Highest Source truth of all. we ARE all one with the Source this truth is true just inverted to include the Master of lies and the free will outside of God into this oneness when no darkness is apart of our One true God and our oneness to creation is founded through Jesus ChristπŸ™πŸΌ✨ If determining what is of God and what was not of God was based off of whether or not pagans, new agers and Satanists did it then you wouldn’t be able to eat, drink, listen or create music, art, dance, read any scripture, celebrate holidays, use social media, buy cars, houses, clothes, wear makeup, or spend any money ever and I can go on and on and on because Satanists use everything to glorify Satan.

It is evil entities who have kept occult(hidden) knowledge from the masses and inverted this occult wisdom to glorify Satan while keeping those with the Spirit of Jesus within them believing everything they do is “evil” so that we never operate in the TRUTHS in which they invert and rise in our power fueled with the Holy Spirit inside to use the tools how God intended them to be used to glorify our father in heaven.

How often are you connecting with your Creator? 

Not the Universe, not your Spirit guides, not your Spiritual advisers... 

How often are you seeking out the creator of it ALL?

How often are you doing this vrs seeking others opinions on what this looks like? 

For even I am but a servant of the most high who has humbled myself bellow Thee who created us all. I have grown up in the Matrix programming of this world my whole life just as you who are reading this now so take all my words as a grain of salt and go seek out these truths for your own life. I am not God. I am not your Guru. I am not Jesus though the love you see in me is his πŸ™πŸΌ✨❤️ 

For Jesus pissed off religious leaders and the hierarchy as he did not fit into a box of how they wanted God to look like... Jesus also has called us to do GREATER works than he... 

Why don’t I see all the Christians walking on water? 

Why don’t I see them raising people from the dead?

Why don’t I see them feeding thousands of people from a small bucket of fish?

Why don’t I see them miraculously healing the sick?

WE are called to embody this SAME spirit that rose our King from the grave it is US who need to carry out the WORKS of the LORD πŸ’―

Not only False prophets perform miracles for TRUE prophets performing miracles in the name of Jesus exist my life is a living testimony of that and it is what we ALL are called to do by Jesus himself

“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” ✨John 14:12✨

So why aren’t all the “Christians” doing what Jesus asked of them?

What am I missing here? 

How often are you questioning your faith? 

Sharpening it?

Truth isn’t afraid of questions.. Truth is.

“These things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.” ✨1 Corinthians 2:10✨

For the Bible is ONLY the living word of God when you read it with the living word that’s INSIDE of you otherwise it is a weapon the enemy will use against you.

If you do not think that Satan is using Christianity for his own agenda then you don’t know your enemy. Christians love to point fingers at every religion aside their own when it comes to the deception because every religion has it. Jesus never told you to become a Christian.. Christianity is a man made religion of mans interpretation of Jesus... he didn’t tell you to follow man he said follow ME. If you do not think that Satan is using the Bible for his own agenda then you do not know your enemy.

NO WHERE in the Bible does it say that the Bible is the word of God... for it says 

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”  ✨John 1✨ if you continue reading that chapter vrs 14 goes on to say “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. “

JESUS is the word... 

everything in the Bible needs to be questioned in JESUS.

 “In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by His Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven” ✨Hebrews 1: 1-3” 

God protected his word because he gave us Jesus and the Holy Spirit because he knew his word would be tainted through the eyes of every other man he gave it to. This is INCLUDING your beloved disciples in which so many Christians have declared their words as Gods words. Let me pause and say this is not me saying don’t read the Bible on the contrary the Bible is where I am fueled with my wisdom on this post that I am writing to you now, the Bible is where most (notice how I do not say all) Jesus words are and anything Jesus says in scripture outside of the Bible will not contradict any of his words in there for he is the same yesterday, today and forever. With his spirit inside of you, you can literally hear Gods words move through the Bible and THAT is what makes the Bible Gods word as he moves in the most beautiful profound ways and also ways that call you out on your bullshit for it is not a take what resonates and leave the rest book, all of it is there for Divine purpose as it will challenge your ego and your will in ways no other book canπŸ™πŸΌ It is through itself that it is sharpened as I am using scripture now to sharpen itself. The disciples were the closest men to Christ and lived their lives in service to him we need to take their words and perspectives as we take all who walk in the light of Jesus. For God says he doesn’t speak through them but through his Son Jesus in them. 

When you are reading a verse are you asking yourself who is writing this? What is the context of the verse and background of what is being said to who and WHY? And then are you questioning what they are saying with Jesus words? For if it didn’t come out of Jesus mouth then it is not Gods Law.


I am going to share with you an example of me applying this to a verse in the Bible that triggered me and didn’t align with Jesus words or Gods calling upon my life. “Woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.” ✨2 Timothy 2:11-15✨

after reading this I was like ... Who do you think you are Timmy? πŸ˜‚πŸ€·πŸ»‍♀️ but with every trigger, I know it is a blessing πŸ™πŸΌ for my greatest strength and lessons come from them and my ability to question the root.

Is this true God? 

Do you not want me to teach because I am a woman? 

Because of Eves sin am I forever held guilty? 

Is that what Jesus says?

You see this triggers me for several reasons. 

This verse was brought to my attention from a woman newly dedicated to loving Jesus who I just love her perspectives as she has SOOO much beautiful wisdom and truths the Lord has moved and continues to move through her but she won’t teach because of this verse.... literally thinks that God doesn’t want her to use her gifts for his word when I can only imagine how many souls she would be able to help for the kingdom... 

This triggers me because when I fell away from the LORD and overdosed on drugs it was a WOMAN teaching the LORDS word that brought me back home to him. 

It was a WOMAN who prophecied Jesus gifts and blessings over my life that led me to feel the Holy Spirit for the first time in my entire life.

If it wasn’t for her.... If she had been quiet... submissive to men... and kept her mouth shut of her wisdom and light in the word I wouldn’t be half the woman I am today. 

For this triggered me because I too know God has called me to be a teacher of his word.

For I know God has not called me to be quiet but rise in my voice and power to be a lampstand to this world for both men and women to have their eyes opened in the name of Jesus, the Holy Spirit has spoken to me this many times so what am I missing here? 

Reading this with the Holy Spirit inside of me I am aware that it is SATAN who calls us out by our Sins for our LORD and savior calls us by our name. For I am covered in Grace through Jesus Christ I no longer carry Eves sin as my own nor allow it to determine what God can or cannot do in my life so this is where I go through the background check of the context of what is being said by who and why πŸ’―πŸ™πŸΌ❤️ The book of 2 Timothy is letters written from Paul to Timothy.. the “I” in which he is referring to is himself... Paul... not God πŸ’― For Paul doesn’t allow women to teach in HIS church. 

For I do not serve the church of man but that of the Great I AM πŸ”₯✨⚔️

To dig deeper into the background at the time Paul was having a problem with gossiping in the church from the women a bunch of new followers in Christ were women for Jesus didn’t care whether you were a woman or a man he says we are ALL called and the disciples struggled with women being treated equally EVEN THOUGH that is what Jesus did... What does Jesus say about women teaching? What does he say about this verse? Why does he not say anything about it on the contrary all his actions suggest the opposite of what Paul and Mr. Timmy is trying to put off as Gods word. Jesus says to me “neither do I condemn you go and sin no more...” 

If you think that every single one of Jesus teachings was put in the Bible... πŸ€”

Think again πŸ’―

You do not know your enemy... 

Christians have made the Bible equivalent to God and refuse to dig deeper into the powers that be who are in control of EVERYTHING we see in this Fallen world who have HIDDEN scripture from us.

Their are MANY scriptures removed and hidden from humanity to keep us from fully embodying Christ within ourselves.

How come we never get to hear from Mary? The woman who was with Jesus more than any other soul... with him not only at crucifixion but the very first soul he presented himself to after he resurrected? Wow what a MOMENT 😍😭

THE moment prophecy came to be it was SHE there to witness it yet her voice is silenced and we are to believe that is the will of God? The will of Jesus? To silent the woman who was most devoted to him than ANY of his disciples...?

Peter denies him 3 times and gets a book in the Bible but Mary loyal and faithful to the very end is labeled as a prostitute and called out by all her past sins before Jesus entered her life and that is what she is known for? What Satan keeps infecting the minds of the religiously programed that Mary who represents all the Divine Feminine... will be known for wickedness when Jesus tells me I am forgiven and FREE in his name ⚔️✨πŸ”₯ 

Are you aware of how Satan moved through the disciples in their jealousy of her? 

How could Jesus allow this Harlot into his close Council they would gossip to each other.... 

Are you aware that most of her Gospel that was supposedly in the archives was “lost” πŸ€” the chapters that you can see is absolutely FASCINATING. I will summarize what I have uncovered to spark your spirit to do the research yourself I will send you to my favorite breakdown of her gospel should you reach out to me and ask for the link πŸ™πŸΌ✨ but if you are truly wanting to innerstand Jesus and you haven’t studied the Gospels of Mary then you are missing greatly on pieces of Truth that Church Hierarchy does not want Christians to know. The first scriptures that are recovered in her gospels you are coming into mid sentence of Jesus teaching fundamentals of Spirit, answering the question of Matter and talking about our oneness of all matter with the whole, the other bit of the Gospel that wasn’t “lost” is of Mary embodying the Holy Spirit after Jesus ascension, it is of her rising as a LEADER in the Holy Spirit to the followers who feared Jesus absence and were questioning what to do.

Proof that we as women are valued and highly favored in the kingdom when we rise in Jesus power within us to TEACH his word wherever we go.

Why would Jesus give us ALL (men and women) his spirit if we weren’t all called to embody his gifts and light to this world? Why would we need this spirit if all we needed was found in the Bible?

 Back to the questions again... 

If the Bible was all we needed how come most ya’ll ain’t doing what Jesus asked of you? 

Why aren’t you casting out demons and performing miracles in his name while walking in a state of Love and Grace?

Jesus knew his name was too be tarnished, misused and suppressed. This is why the Holy Spirit is alive within us. Why we need to be questioning EVERYTHING in this spirit not ever letting our guard down for even the Bible is one of Satans favorite weapons to use as he knows scripture by heart too. 

“Then the devil took Him(Jesus) up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written:

‘He shall give His angels charge over you,’


‘In their hands they shall bear you up,

Lest you dash your foot against a stone.’ ”

Jesus said to him, “It is written again, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’ ”

Satan is not fearful of you reading the Bible he is fearful of you reading it with the Holy Spirit πŸ’― For he uses the Bible for his will in many ways: 

Judgement, condemnation, suppression of the Divine Feminine, suppression of Gaia’s Consciousness, keeping those seeking externally for Jesus instead of seeking him out through the Holy Spirit within, seeking validation through religion and church’s opinions vrs your own relationship with Jesus. Believing everything you read in the Bible is Gods words instead of recognizing that Gods word moves through it when read WITH Gods Word (Jesus)  

Jesus has been the center of my life always, my journey with him has been a wild one and there were many times I told him to get in the back seat and I took the wheel to drive my life into complete chaos... The times I let him lead he has always guided me to everlasting peace and a strength that is deeper than any words can express, deeper than any other spirit or guide in my life for it is HIS spirit that they are all operating in. I have been sharpening my discernment my whole life learning when it is his eternal spirit that is moving through my life and when it is the False light matrix of narcissism and temporary pleasure... 

Just like Satan uses the Bible he uses ALL the most powerful tools dedicated to Gods will to invert for his own will I listed a bunch in the beginning and one I want to make sure I dive deep on in this post is Yoga.

Because of my faith I know it was Jesus who lead me to yoga after my moms cancer journey to help her holistically recover as well as myself being in several car accidents with severe back pain my yoga practice has connected me deeper to the Holy Spirit within me as well as aligning my body (Temple) to my spirit (Jesus) making my vessel so much more clear, balanced and strong in my armor as I fight for Gods truths of his kingdom. NO WHERE does Jesus ever claim yoga as evil yet I see so many Christians lately screaming from the roof tops how it’s demonic because of the evil people that do it. It was why I ended up leaving the church I was at because of those who thought I was doing demonic worship. I was so concerned what these Christians thought about me even though I had never been more confident in the Holy Spirit and Jesus moving in my life and body than when I added yoga into my tool box but because of these opinions I fasted yoga for months, cleansed, searched the Bible, called upon Jesus and researched yoga with an open mind and heart to letting it go forever if this truly was demonic worship for I serve God always. There are multiple debates of yoga and it’s origins for many religions use yoga Buddhists like to say they found it, Hindus like to say they found it... the first ever sign of yoga was written on a rock in Sanskrit for Asana which literally means “to sit with God” the word yoga is from the Hindu word Yug which means Unite. As people wanting to connect to God are aware (or should be aware) of how our bodies are a temple and it is so important we are in alignment with our body’s and life force energy (breath) becoming in union with both. Yoga is bringing your body and spirit into alignment with each other. The Master of Lies and the Gods and Goddesses seeking our energy want our bodies in physical and Spiritual alignment as they harvest our energy through our breath and frequencies. They also want those operating in Christ to believe it is evil so they are separated from their bodies and spirits. Satan doesn’t want us to know that the Most High God wants us to be in alignment for HIS spirit to move through us. When we are not aware of the type of yoga practice we are doing, who the teacher is and the energy in which they are imparting to you through their own life force energy.. this is the same as music... what type of music are you listening to? Yoga is like music, through each breath we are producing an energetic frequency like music that is harvested to any God or Goddess of our choosing and if you do not have a relationship with the Holy Spirit and Jesus yoga is definitely something used for fallen timelines and if you do not feel secure in your faith I do not recommend it. This is why Satan wants us doing yoga without the knowledge of what yoga is just like he loves it when we listen to music without awareness of the lyrics and frequencies being used, why he also loves that Christians think it’s evil, why it is important to be aware of the spiritual warfare around the practice just as there is around anything that is meant to be used for the most High God... Our most powerful tools we as huemans have are all in service to Lucifer as this is HIS dominion. It is up to us as Followers of Jesus to invert what has been stolen from the kingdom through works of the Holy Spirit. Music is one of my favorite examples to use when explaining how Satan works because frequencies don’t lie so let’s dive a little deeper here too πŸ’―✨πŸ™πŸΌ We are made of energy and frequencies are how we were created for God Spoke us into existence. Words combined with frequencies have the ability to create life and destroy it. Music has been hijacked to destroy your life. It’s just the sad awful fact. If you are awakened to the deception when you turn on your radio you can hear the frequencies in every song and how they literally are fucking with our auras and energy fields. Why I feel called to use my power of frequencies to dedicate my voice to eternal life.

 Last thing Satan wants is someone with the power of Jesus to have access to the occult wisdom that he only wants his followers to use so he can keep Gods Creation inverted to serving him. This occult wisdom he is hiding is why nobody is rising into the calling Jesus has called us to. Yes the Bible is all we need for our salvation just by the verse John 3:16 alone. But it is NOT all we need for the SPIRITUAL WAR against the enemy, again... if it was then why did Jesus need to leave you his spirit? For it is not all we need to step fully into our Sovereignty and power it is but 1 tool. A very powerful tool when used correctly let’s not belittle the Bible either just recognize it is not ALL Jesus came to teach us for we need the FULL armor of God, one of those being the Sword of the Spirit which is what is being suppressed within you to embrace the YOUnique calling upon your life that is not in any doctrine but encoded in your DNA. This spirit will never contradict the words of Jesus for it is his same spirit. It will be rooted in love, power and a sound mind, it will bear delicious fruit and not rot or cause confusion. It will not be dictated by the laws or rules of man but that of the Great I AM. 

Stop serving Christianity and start serving Jesus. You are not here to make your brothers and sisters happy. You are not here to fit into a box of who and what God is in your life. You are here to be a good and faithful servant to the most High God which means being a servant to Jesus. This is not a religion it is your personal walk with ChristπŸ™πŸΌ✨⚔️πŸ”₯

If you read down to this point first off thank you for taking your precious time to spend it with my perspectives and Gods WordπŸ™πŸΌ❤️ It takes a soul to be seeking Truth to read my blog and this post is my longest one yet and I poured my heart and soul into it for the past few days, know this is not something I am paid to do or say, I genuinely love and care for Hue-manity and want what the Holy Spirit is moving through me to be heard and it’s healing power to heal the hearts of those who read my words. Know that you are called to do INCREDIBLE things for the Kingdom. You are Chosen. You are so loved. And through Christ there is absolutely no weapon formed against you that shall prosper πŸ™πŸΌ❤️✨ 

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23

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