Thursday, October 7, 2021

 Our Mother and Father wounds are manifested in the physical realm through Religion and New Age programming 

Religion separates us from the Divine Mother of Lady Wisdom and the New Age separates us from our Father in Heaven.

Without The Divine Mother, Masculinity becomes inverted. 

Without the Divine Father, Femininity becomes inverted.

Without the truths of Sophia the masculine is out of balance, instead of our Protecter he is our Dictator, instead of inherently peaceful he is inherently wrathful, without the womb of wisdom and the feminine energy in which the Creator uses to carry out his Will in the words he speaks to create into existence all of Creation, there is a rigid perception of a God that is all Masculine no room for a woman to be a divine reflection of God.

For Sophia was the womb in which he birthed all life, with him in the beginning. Separate from him but the same, submitted to him but all powerful. His beloved treasure above all things the love between Wisdom and our Creator is a love story unlike no other and purposefully kept hidden away in “lost” scriptures to suppress the feminine spirit which has manifested in our physical realities through out the ages of women suppression “in the name of God” 

This inversion of the Father through religion is exactly what Lucifer uses to pull souls into the New age programming of the Inverted Mother... Full of Knowledge is she but no comparison to Lady Wisdom and knowledge without wisdom is deadly. As is she. Lucifers Queen Jezebel. For wisdom never leaves the Divine Fathers side, operating in the feminine energies of the spirit the cunning and beautiful energy is what Jezebel carries as she kisses your lips tasting like strawberries. She has everything you ever want, anything you could ever need, as she whispers sweet lies and plants her infertile seeds, You see she says it’s only you that you need... there is no savior you are it, but go learn from the other Gods and Goddesses that exist. As long as they don’t speak of Jesus or instead claim he is nothing more than one of them you can have the whole kingdom of Gaia every inch of this land. You are God don’t you see? You are all you need... these shadows are good, these demons are you, integrate them allow them deeper inside of you... these symptoms you feel are normal it’s written in the stars which is where you need to look... continue to go into retrogrades, get lost in every phase I can go on and on the little cunning ways Jezebel takes truth and twists it for her own good without the Divine Father there for divine authority and boundaries our free wills run rampant with the gifts bestowed upon us from the most high creator, drunk on Jezebels wine believing we are the only authority. 

Without the Divine Father there is no knowing of the Divine Mother. Without the Divine Mother there is no knowing of the Divine Father.  

The programming we are up against is beyond religion and new age ideals. This is spiritual warfare and the warfare is thickest where there is the most truth to hide. For Jesus is the WAY the truth and the life. I love how this verse starts by saying he is the WAY. Meaning this is a way of being, a way of living, he is not just a hue-man but the energy of existence in which we need to operate in. The Religion of Christianity has us continually placing Jesus on a pedestal and sulking in our unworthiness not living in the WAY of Christ... why is that? For the way in which Jesus lived his life outside of the miracles and sermons that have been documented has been kept from us. Years and years of his life are just missing from the scriptures... Does this not seem fishy to you? Are you asking yourself where the deception lies? So many Christians think it is blasphemy to question the Bible and its origins but for even scripture says that spirit SEARCHES the depths of everything EVEN the depths of God (1 Corinthians 2:10) and this book has been in the hands of MANY men, translated MANY times as a council of Church Hierarchy went through the scriptures and decided which ones to put in and which ones to keep out and in a world that is ruled by Lucifer and a world that has continued to fail to operate in the fullness of God as I have grown up in the inverted Father of religion and the Bible without the innerstanding of Sophia it ultimately keeps us separated from the Holy Spirit inside, keeping us in a state of OBEY... REPENT... SUBMIT... instead of tuning inward to the Holy Spirit inside... the WAY in which Jesus lived his life in, connection to both the Divine Mother of Wisdom and Divine Father of Christ. 

The inverted Mother found in New age programming prevents us from submitting our wills, thoughts, desires, wants and needs unto the LORD, under the authority of the Father thinking that if it feels good and it makes us happy in the moment we are all we need to decide what is best for us in our own lives. We believe we are the all powerful and that it is not our job to submit to nobody. With these beliefs you are also taking on the weight of the world that comes with believing everything is a reflection of you. The weight when you know there are millions of children being kidnapped, sold, trafficked, raped, ritually sacrificed and darkness that no one with a soul connected to the most High God could ever comprehend or think of doing yet this is supposedly a reflection of me? The weight of the collective who is so lost and disconnected from truth due to our whole lives being indoctrinated and lied to... the amount of demons and darkness that is opened up from your beliefs that we are called to love those demons and accept them as you... 

contrary to popular belief.. some beliefs are NOT worth the baggage that comes with them from trying them on and Jezebel wants you to try them ALL on so that as many entities serving the fallen timelines can suck your sacred energy dry and keep you in finite loops outside of Gods will.

New Age programming is a trap for the most powerful connected leaders to the Kingdom of heaven for it is the program in place to prevent the awakened beings from the power that comes from humility in sacrificing our wills and wants unto the most high God and rising in the power of HIS authority not our own to SLAY every demon that try’s to make way in your heart, to fill every shadow with the light of his unconditional love and integrate that LIGHT through us not the darkness and cover ourselves in his cloak of grace through Jesus Christ as he showers us in the Holy Spirit in which lady Wisdom moves through connecting us to the WAY. 

When we are connected to Lady Wisdom we can see right through Religions bullshit, when you are connected to Christ Jesus you can see right through New Age bullshit. 

Jesus is not the religion in which this Matrix has placed him in. He is a personal relationship. He doesn’t contradict who he is in the scriptures, which is why it is so important you read the Bible for yourself and start to develop this relationship from there never take anyone else’s word for who Jesus is allow the love in those who speak of him to fill your heart with rememberance and a fire to seek him out in your own life. When you read scripture read it with Sophia and Christ. Question it. Meditate on it. For he is so much more than what we have been shown and any teachings of his in which he was teaching of Sophia and how to apply the Holy Spirit and perform the miracles in which he was doing has been removed and hidden so that we don’t embody the Christ within us as well. 

For we cannot embody Christ without Sophia. We cannot embody Sophia without Christ. All of Creation is woven together through both Christ and Sophia.  Jesus knew his words would be distorted and hidden, he knew Lucifer would hide and suppress his beautiful lady Wisdom which is why he gave us The Holy Spirit inside of us which has the answers that have been kept from our knowledge. When you tune into Christ and Sophia inside of you, ground yourself in organic creation and be still... you will hear Sophias soft whispers and feel Christ’s powerful strength to conquer anything formed against you or those in which have been placed on your path to heal as you embody the fullness of what it means to be HUE-man in the light and service to our one true God. 

You see the truths within the deception of both Religion and the New Age. The truths of the power in Submission, the truths of our oneness to all organic creation connected to eternal Source energy, the truths of Jesus Christ and yes repenting from all that has kept us separated from him, (repentance is a whole other post, but we cannot submit our wills to Christ until we take ownership for our separation from him and that is what repentance is, this is not something we scream from the rooftops demanding others to do, it is a by product of feeling the revelations of Jesus in your own heart and something Jesus reveals to you personally) the truths of our YOUnique power and gifts to embody Christ within us, the truths that God so loved the world he GAVE his son so that we can be connected to eternal life regardless of the deception and sin we have been born into, the truths that we are multidimensional beings with unlimited power through faith, the truths that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, that God has plans to prosper me, not harm me but give me hope and a future, the truths that we are energy, we carry this energy within our chakras and auras and where our thoughts go so does our reality... I can go on and on for there is truths woven throughout all of deception to say that all of religion and all of the new age is “evil” is just not truth. They just both have programming to lead us away from Christ and Sophia. The true blueprint to all that is WHOLEy and pure 🙏🏼✨ The blueprint God placed buried deep in your soul waiting for you to unlock the depths of Love and amazingness that is he and she inside of you ❤️🙏🏼 Know where your power comes from, give all the Glory to the most High God and watch as he moves so beautifully through you as you rise from the grave into the Gods and Goddesses he has created you through Sophia to be 🙏🏼✨

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