Monday, May 10, 2021

 How is this possible? For there to be the highest Source of us all in which we were all a perfect wonderful reflection of, but there be this unthinkable evil that seeks to destroy it all that is not of this Source? Where would it come from if we are all from the same indescribable space...? Well... the answer is but 2 words... Free Will.

We have been given a CHOICE. We are not being forced to step into our full Divinity, we are not being forced to connect ourselves to the eternal light of Unconditional Love that is always there. The fact we have free will has made us just as powerful as our Source in this physical realm but without the full innerstanding of what that truly means. Thinking that our choices made out of our own egoic desires won't have a grand affect on humanity that is outside of the will and truth of where we came from, that the decisions we make as the Gods and Goddesses of Gaia don't have the ability to alter and create realities in which are completely separate from the organic Creation in which we are called to protect, love and nurture. With free will comes entities that believe they know better than our Source, deceiving creation to believe they are one with us as this is the ONLY way they can exist. Deceiving us into believing our power lies outside of ourselves, that being spiritual and "love and light" automatically means you are operating in truth... Do not underestimate these Gods and Goddesses, these demons and fallen angels, these false prophets, Aliens and AI that has plagued society, religion and the spiritual community. 

AI = Artificial intelligence 

This is ANYTHING that has been created by free will outside of God's organic will.

When we hear AI we have been programmed to think of robots and technology which yes these are apart of AI but AI runs deeper than what you can see in the physical realms and thrives and lives inside our minds, our thoughts, our subconscious habits from years of indoctrination as we "Tell-a-vision" to "Channel" "Programs" into our energy vessels as we eat and inject poison into our bodies thinking that these CHOICES don't have consequences. 

The spiritual community sees right through this bullshit but then fall into the trap that we are "All One" we must accept this AI as ourselves to truly be whole, that we are only called to take care of ourselves it is not our job to "wake up" the masses, that the entities in the spiritual realms know what is best for humanity and their advice is the same as highest Source truth because it sounds beautiful and tickles the ears just right, that we must not speak of such dark things because that is speaking fear but we need to love those dark things and through doing so "ascend" into the "5D" realms outside of this 3D matrix. 

You then have those stuck in religion pouring their sacred energy to a God outside of themselves denying the God within them thinking their prayers rooted in fear make them righteous and thinking they have all the answers in their judgment claiming 1 book that has man's ego hands all over it is the only word of God as scripture and knowledge has been hidden from us, altered, and taken completely out of context continuing the hate and division inside the hearts of humanity as we continue to search for answers from preachers, "leaders" and the world outside of ourselves when the only place we will EVER find the answers is the one place the world will never tell you to look. Within your own soul. 

The reason why your bible says not to worship other Gods and Goddesses is because WE are Gods and Goddesses. For we are created in the image of our incredible, indescribable Source and the Christ you have been worshiping outside of you is ONLY found within. Soo who then are you really worshiping? 🤔 For this is written. The exact same spirit that rose Yeshua from the grave is living and breathing inside of our souls. For he said we are to do GREATER works than he, for if we were to have faith of a mustard seed we could tell this mountain to move and it would. If Christianity is the only right religion then how come ya'll aren't moving mountains and walking on water? I grew up in Christianity and I always questioned this... How come this religion that worships this man doesn't do anything this man said for us to do? Something is missing.... I am so grateful for growing up in this religion despite all the programming behind it because I learned about the truth about Yeshua through it which has helped me navigate the deception in the spiritual community trying to water down who he is to a prophet. 

What sets Yeshua apart is the Christos Blue print he carried within his soul to impart to all of humanity. For this is why he came... Not for us to worship and put on a pedestal above us but to BE us, and show us how to BE 🙏🏼 For he called us brothers and sisters, for he humbled himself to SERVE humanity, laid down his own ego, desires, and his life not to bring peace on earth but to fill us with this same blue print spirit as he conquered the grave with the Sword of Truth we all carry which is forged in the fire of the wrath of our most high God to SLAY all that has CHOSEN to separate itself from eternal light. THIS is why his name and message have been so attacked, warped into a religion, and made out to be something he is not, for if humanity knew who he truly was, what his life and mission to humanity was truly for... How it is ONLY through the spirit he brought to this world into the hearts of us all that we can truly be connected to God's will and not our own desires that have been hijacked since the day we came out of the womb, for if we all innerstood these things the darkness would cease to exist.

We are in a WAR and the reward is our ETERNAL SOULS.

We are not called to pretend fear and evil doesn't exist but we are called to look fear and evil in the eyes and remind them of the Christ spirit inside of you, the unstoppable force of the Unconditional Love for all of organic source creation that trumps ANY weapon formed against you. For you cannot love the darkness and also love Creation. Period. You are either fighting for Gaia and humanity and destroying what has been formed against us or you are accepting it as you, or living in blissful ignorance of what we are truly up against. For it is through awareness that you have nothing to fear for you are the embodiment of Christ who has already defeated the darkness and has taken the keys of hell so that we may speak truth and fire as we humble ourselves to SERVE our brothers and sisters. To be in service of our children and all of Mother Earth as the protectors of this 3D realm not ascend out of it as we leave our brothers and sisters behind who don't know what we know, that our lights and AUTHORITY over ALL on this earth that has the ability to awaken MIRACLES inside the hearts that those operating in spiritual ego have deemed lost. 

This all comes back to Free Will my beautiful soul family. The choice is always ours. Choose Wisely. 

“The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.” Romans 8:11

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