Friday, May 21, 2021

The sound of the waves crashing against the shore, the feeling of a warm embrace from someone I love, the magical colors of the sky as the sunsets, the sweet compliment from a stranger, the beauty and stillness of the trees, the laughter shared in a moment I will relive in my memories, the warmth of the sun on my face, the moment my eyes lock into the soul of another’s, the perfect breeze that blows against my skin on a hot day, the smile from a spirit that ignites joy inside of me regardless of my circumstances, the soft furr on my palms as I spread love to a beautiful creature, the “I love you” from someone who means everything to me, the smell of my favorite homemade meals, the silence shared with those I don’t feel the need to fill the empty space with, the feeling of sand in between my toes, the look on someone’s face when I speak life and love into their heart, the way the birds so effortlessly soar through the sky, the way my gift of song takes me and all who listen to the heavenly realms, the way my body feels as I fuel it with Gaia medicine, the healing energy that flows through my left hand as I pray for a soul in need of my touch and frequencies, the sound of my drum as I tune into the heart beat of Mother Earth, the butterflies in my tummy when I run straight towards my fears, the freedom of movement as I dance and flow in my body, the flames that rise inside of me when I speak my truths despite what anyone around me thinks, the rise and fall of my life force energy inside my vessel always there no matter what darkness I am facing... 

✨For this is life. 

✨The greatness, happiness and desires we seek are not found in grand gestures, they aren’t found in a “happily ever after” they are not found in the cards we have been dealt with... They are found here and now. As you let go of the warfare in your mind and the emotions clouding your heart and bring yourself back to the present moment, into the space of gratitude for all that is, for the opportunity to touch, feel, hear, see, do, be and love ❤️ 

✨You are a living miracle and the light you have inside of you has the ability to shine hope into the hearts of those around you just by being you... just by being that smile, being that love, being that change you have been praying for in your life as you allow the small things that light your soul on fire to fill you up to step fully into the highest purpose on your life. 

❤️You are so loved, you are so WORTHY of it all, and no matter what mountains you are facing in your life...

It’s the little things that make life worth living ❤️✨🙏🏼

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